Meet Beverly Mahone, Journalist, Author, Founder ~ Baby Boomer Diva Nation

Beverly knew at a very early age that she wanted to be a journalist because she always loved to write and tell stories.  She was always very good at expressing her opinion, both verbally and in writing so it was only natural that she would be on our newspaper staff and the high school Forensics Team.  At Ohio University—where she received her Journalism degree — she made it a point to be involved in lots of activities that raised the social and political conscienseness of the University students so she would have an insiders view and write about it.

Her journalism career has taken her to quite a few interesting places, including Guantanamo Bay Cuba where she got to cover the Haitian refugee crisis and Saudi Arabia where she covered Operation Desert Shield.

Here’s her story:

What do/did you enjoy most about working in the media?

Even though I almost hate to admit it, the one thing I really enjoyed about working in the media was the Breaking news.  I gave me an adrenaline rush to be able to gather information from the ground up.  I’m happy to say I was very successful at obtaining information about a story.  But more importantly, it was ACCURATE information from credible sources who trusted me enough to spill their guts (so to speak).

The other thing I enjoyed about working in the media was the fact that I got the chance to report on stories that wouldn’t otherwise be told.  Despite what the public thinks, journalists come to the table with pre-conceived notions and ideas and stories can be slanted based on those ideas.  As an African-American journalist, I felt honored to be able to tell stories that would be overlooked by many of my colleagues.

Tell us about your 1st book – Whatever! A Baby Boomer’s Journey Into Middle Age including what motivated you to write it?

Whatever! started out as a journal.  About three years ago, I started experiencing some physical and emotional symptoms that I couldn’t seem to get a handle on.  My menstrual cycle began to become very irratic.  I would be hot one minute—then cold.  I would find myself crying or getting mad over nothing.  I knew something was wrong.  I thought I was having some type of emotional breakdown so I called my gynecologist and tried to explain to her what was happening.  She suggested I keep a journal until our appointment and we would go over my symptoms.  That’s when I discovered I was in the early stages of menopause–known as perimenopause and I have to tell you I was relieved to know there was a name associated with my experiences!

From there, I just kept writing about all the things that were going on in my life at the time.  I showed it to a fellow colleague and he suggested I create a book out of it.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Whatever! hit the book stands June 17, 2006.  It became a Best Seller on Amazon in 2007 and it still continues to sell even though I’m not promoting it as much anymore.

Tell us about the Baby Boomer Diva Nation and the inspiration that launched it?

The idea to establish a Baby Boomer Diva Web of Fame and Boomer Diva Nation came from a breakfast I attended with singer Natalie Cole.  I was joking with her about putting her picture on my website and making her a baby boomer diva.  From there, I started giving it more serious thought as I look around and saw some pretty dynamic women who were over 40.  I thought it would be fabulous to showcase them all together as “baby boomer women on the move and making a difference!”  We have celebrities in the group like actresses Debbie Zipp, Vanessa Williams and Bern Nadette Stanis. Singers Carole Bayer Sager and, of course, Natalie Cole are also honorary members.

The Baby Boomer Diva Web of Fame is made up of women from North Carolina, Florida, California, Texas, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, New Jersey, Alabama, Georgia, Canada and as far away as Australia.

Tell us about the organizations your company supports and why you chose them?

BAM Enterprises (my media consulting business) and Boomer Diva Nation are proud supporters of the American Heart Association.  My dad, my daughter and I all suffered from some form of heart disease.  There’s also another non-profit called Dress for Success that I’m very interested in. The mission of Dress for Success is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing them with the necessary reources to help them succeed in work and in life.  That’s kind of like what Boomer Diva Nation is all about.

What one thing would you like to learn in the coming year?

How to make one million dollars!

Who are your heros/heroines and why?

My grandmother was my biggest heroine.  “Big Mama” as we affectionately called her, raise seven children in the deep South during the segregation era. All of her children went on to accomplish wonderful things–including my dad.  My next biggest hero was—you guessed it—my dad.  I can’t even imagine what it was like for him to grow up as an African-American male oin the South during the 1930s and 40s.  My husband is my knight in shining armor–the wind beneath my wings.  He took on a lot when he placed a ring on my finger but he never flinched.  He gives me undying support and proves to me daily what a REAL MAN is supposed to be like.

What do you do for fun, relaxation?

I love to travel!  I love going for a weekend getaway with my husband.  I am also enjoying my grandson.  He will turn two-years-old in September and he’s already talking.  He’s our little ambassador and a true ice breaker in public.  I’m enjoying having some influence in his upbringing.

I also enjoy my “ME” time.  I have to have it and I make time for it daily.  I use the time to read my bible or meditate.  It renews my strength.

Do you have a secret indulgence?  If so, what is it?

Now, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore, would it? Ha!

What’s next for Beverly Mahone? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Everyday I wake up and say, “I’m one day—one minute closer to that one million dollar idea!”  I don’t know exactly what that will entail but I’m constantly looking for ways to improve on what I do. I really want to be the best Media Consultant by helping people achieve their goals and aspirations and I want to do it with honesty and integrity.  I also want to see Boomer Diva Nation doing many great things to help more women at midlife.

You can find Beverly online at and