Meet the Class of 2014 Who’s Who Women in Ecommerce™ Patricia Baronowski-Schneider, President Pristine Advisers 

One of the biggest mistakes a company can do to compete in the world is “nothing”.  Doing nothing and just expecting people to find you, to know how great you are and to interact with you is a suicide mission.

Patricia Baronowski-Schneider and her team at Pristine Advisers know all-too-well just how important being engaging and informed can be.   Patricia has been helping clients of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds achieve their spot in the marketplace for over twenty-five years.

Companies are often busy handling the day-to-day tasks of running a business and often times, do not have the time, knowledge or resources to target investors, media, or decision makers in their line of work.

Patricia, with her twenty-five years of knowledge, expertise and connections, along with her team at Pristine Advisers, have developed relationships with key players in just about every industry imaginative.  They have assisted companies with IPOs, media coverage, shareholder introductions and engagement, analyst coverage and increasing share prices for listed companies.

Starting her career from the ground up has help Patricia learn every aspect of the business and make valuable connections along the way.  Working as a skydive instructor on weekends has helped Patricia remain focused and grounded, if that makes sense. Vist her online at: WWW.PRISTINEADVISERS.COM

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To read more about the 2014 Who’s Who Women in Ecommerce™ of WE Magazine for Women, visit: