Meet the Class of 2014 Who’s Who Women in Ecommerce™ Helen Bannigan, President – Bannigan Communications, LLC
Now living in her 6th country, and having been an expat for 25 years, Helen Bannigan makes the lives of fellow globally-minded people easier; as her own countries, continents, and languages continually change and evolve. Helen advises that a key to success and happiness is to check in with ourselves regularly to ensure we are making mindful decisions about our professional and personal lives.
How can we be more present, impactful, inspiring; more authentically and unapologetically us; wherever our journeys may take us? What is it for us that gives life meaning? For Helen, it’s nurturing genuine relationships. It’s honoring her children’s role as her Greatest Teachers in Life, and striving to be a decent role model for them. It’s caring for her own health and well being so that she’s able to be fully present with substance and something of value to offer. It’s passionately developing her professional career, serving her clients and sharing her talents in a sustainable way, leaving a positive impact on profits, people and the planet.
Helen offers practical, results-driven multi-cultural awareness programs to executives and their families when they move overseas, take business trips abroad, or work in multi-cultural environments. These workshops increase the ability to build trusting relationships and communicate effectively in multiple cultures, build an enhanced sense of self awareness, and increase understanding of unexpected behaviors along with the most effective response patterns.
Participants come away with hands-on, actionable tools and guidelines to be successful and thrive in the multi-cultural environments. Here website is
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