Meet the Class of 2014 Who’s Who Women in Ecommerce™ Heidi Forbes Öste2BalanceU

As a woman in tech and global nomad, Heidi Forbes Öste and 2BalanceU (2BU) has evolved over the last 10 years with tech and culture. Her motto is "Meet the Class of 2014 Who's Who Women in Ecommerce™ Heidi Forbes Öste - 2BalanceU"“Knowledge is Power, Sharing is Powerful.”  2BU’s vision was to create balance through sharing wisdom, resources and inspiration by harnessing the power of the social web.

2BU was a social search tool for highly mobile women professionals to share information about local resources, filtered by profile and behaviors tracking. In four years, She lead 2BU to connect over 10,000 high level professional women and the networks they engage in, over 150 countries. The vision and technology were good, but the conditions required for the site to thrive were not, yet.

In 2010, Forbes Öste shifted 2BalanceU’s gears to leadership development in global social strategy. She developed and taught a curriculum for the Art of Social Strategy that was based on Social Optimization: building and maintaining mutually and beneficial relationships.  When not lecturing, she provides keynotes and workshops around the world. The greatest challenge for social optimization is the individual’s lack of awareness of who they really are and what they have to offer and need.

Her pursuit of doctoral studies in Human and Organization Systems drive 2BU today.  Her dissertation research is on the relationship between wearable technologies and presence of mind: sense-of-self and sense-of-self-with-others.  She hopes to uncover potential interventions that can increase the ability to apply social optimization and succeed with global social strategy. Her website is

SOCIAL Channels:

Twitter: @forbesoste @2BalanceU

To read more about the 2014 Who’s Who Women in Ecommerce™ of WE Magazine for Women, visit: