Meet the Class of 2014 Who’s Who Women in Ecommerce Diana Dentinger Founder, The Meaning of Life School

“Any problem that any human being has is directly tied to not having the answers to three fundamental questions” states Diana Dentinger,  “And these are: Who are you, Why are you here and What more can you be.”

To give you these answers Diana created an unique personality profile and life path “game”. Her coaching process connects a person to their full potential by accessing predictable programmed innate, individual needs. It is the easiest, most exact and effective tool to give people powerful, long lasting growth.

Clients take a personalized journey of self discovery so they find meaning and fulfillment in every area of life. With the use of these tools, her corporate clients have been able to create unified teams with precise visions for their future. Some have saved over $1million in waste and others 20% more profit for their companies. Her private clients have transformed stressed family and couple relationships as well as dissatisfying career dead ends into more fulfilling choices.

After supporting hundreds of clients in Italy to achieve more clarity, meaning and performance in their personal and professional lives, Diana has expanded her business worldwide founding “The Meaning of Life School” where finally you  learn to be you.

Diana is a neurobiology therapist, Editor of the Inner Peace Parenting Magazine and Featured Author in the book “Pure Genius”. Her websites:



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