Meet the Class of 2014 Who’s Who Women in Ecommerce™ Connie S. GorrellOptiMystic Press

Connie Gorrell is passionate about helping women in all walks of life to identify and establish their personal and professional goals through writing. Her personal goal to pay it forward comes through her wisdom and experience which resonates with women who have made the leap to finding success through adversity, whether personally or professionally.

The message of Connie’s captivating journey resonates with women because it is authentic. As an innovative entrepreneur, she established a successful business in education and professional event planning prior to the stunning deaths of her only childrentwo sons and two step-sons. She rose from a place of deep humility to begin again with a new attitude and a new-found determination. Connie succeeds in business with a commitment to helping others achieve their goals and speaks candidly to women, encouraging them to tell their stories.

Connie has authored books geared toward helping those who run small businesses to develop effective marketing plans. She is a featured and contributing writer for women’s magazines, newspapers, and several online publications. She is the founder of the DreamSTRONG™ movement and creator and inspiration behind the Celebrating the Spirit of Women™ live event series. Connie is President and CEO of OptiMystic Press, an independent publisher specializing in single and multi-author books and digital publishing, offering publishing services to those with a story to share. Her websites: /       

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