By now most of you know about the girl that was gunned down less than a year ago by the Taliban for pursing her education. She was shot in the head and neck and left to die, a message to send immobilizing terror to other young girls and adults that promote education for all children in Pakistan.
But Malala didn’t die. She has made a miraculous recovery in the UK, where she now lives and goes to school, and more remarkably, her passion and commitment to her cause is so strong, it’s viral. In April she was on the cover of Time as one of “The 100 Most Influential People in the World”. She is the youngest nominee in history for the Nobel Peace Prize. And the girl-woman, on her 16th birthday, gave an admirable speech at the United Nations.
Have courage, never quite, use your voice for the benefit of others.
When you feel challenged, limited, afraid and hurt; remember Malala’s lessons of resiliency and leadership.
Sara LaForest is Partner of the business growth advisory firm, Kubica LaForest Consulting. In 2012, Leadership Excellence named Kubica LaForest Consulting one of the Top 500 Leadership Development companies. With her partner, Tony Kubica, she is the co-author of the new book, Organizational Gravity: A Guide to Strategically Growing Your Company’s Brand, Culture and Talent.
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