Meet CRYSTAL WILLIAMSON, CEO Coaching with Crystal in Bronx, NY

Crystal Williamson is the CEO of Coaching with Crystal.  Crystal is a certified small business coach (since 2007) who loves to help up-and-coming coaches, holistic entrepreneurs, and helping professionals with their technology and business systems.  She guides them to see beyond the ‘oh-so-busy-me’ attitude to clarity of their life’s vision..  With Crystal’s coaching client’s can reconnect with their wildest dreams and bring their dreams to exponential levels. 

Crystal has been coaching since her start as a computer trainer in 1989/1990.  When Crystal began as a computer trainer she didn’t realize she was coaching AND training computer skills.  She worked with many Fortune 500 companies including financial institutions, media conglomerates, and law firms.  From 1997 – 2007 Crystal also trained law enforcement officials, NYC and federal government employees, educators, non-profit organizations and small and medium business owners.  Crystal worked with her clientele diligently on how to better utilize computer systems and motivate them to increase profits and their own edification. 

In 2006 a blessing came when Crystal was laid off from a high powered law firm in New York City.  The same day she came home and received her registration for her coaching program.  She hasn’t looked back since then.  Crystal became a certified business coach in 2007. 

Crystal performs coaching services for individual clients, group coaching via her mastermind groups, facilitate teleseminars and live workshops, and speaks to groups for motivation and leadership skills.  She also speaks to clients and up-and-coming entrepreneurs on her bi-weekly Blog Talk radio show.  Crystal and her virtual team are currently creating an eBook about effective marketing techniques for the new entrepreneur and recently finished the 4-part teleseminar “Jump Start your Coaching Business.”  The 4-part series will be available on CD and download by the end of the summer 2009. 

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