36-year business veteran and Woman in Business Joy Rohadfox, CEO of Rohadfox Construction Comtrol Services Corporation knows what its like to be a woman in a male-dominated industry
RCCSC founded in 1976, is engineering a construction management firm based in Atlanta, Georgia and is one of the oldest minority owned firms in the United States. RCCSC provides engineering and construction management for water/wastewater facilities, airports, rail and transit systems and roads and highways. RCCSS has eight offices and focuses on doing business with local municipalities and the federal government.
Entrepreneurism is about taking risks. I became an entrepreneur because unlike working for someone else who places a value on your service, when you own your own business every stitch of work you do goes toward the betterment of your organization. I have control over my own future outcomes versus taking what is given to me. I now control my own destiny to a greater extent than when I worked for someone else.
Who has been your greatest influence in business? My parents have been my greatest influence in business. When I think about how hard my parents worked building a business while raising a family, it reminds me that I must constantly stay focused on improving my skill set to build a stronger organization.
What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
My greatest professional accomplishment this year has been building an awesome sales team. I feel as if we now have the right mix to take our organization to the next level. I am proud to work with such accomplished individuals and I am excited to see where we are next year.
What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?
My father taught me two valuable business lessons that are still very relevant today: Never let personal feelings get in the way of making sound business decisions, and be appropriately aggressive in business, but never burn a bridge.
What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your business?
In our industry, we generally don’t use marketing initiatives or programs. Our resume of project profiles and strong relationships we have developed over the years, speak to our ability to perform.
What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?
Delegation is the key to success and the key to a less stressful environment. Small business owners generally have a habit of trying to do everything themselves. Employees seek responsibility and they want to know they can be trusted. The lack of delegation hampers the wheels of progress, especially in small organizations.
Do you have any new projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it.
RCCSC recently won a Federal Contract with the U.S, General Services Administration. The contract is for the Sunbelt Region, which covers eight states throughout the southeast. This five-year contract has a scope that includes construction management and fire protection services for various buildings throughout this region.
What do you do for fun/relaxation?
I enjoy spending time with my mother. Our time spent together is a break away from the stress that running a business involves. Every opportunity that I have, I try to surprise her and ‘kidnap’ her for a day of beauty makeovers at the salon and spa treatments, followed by lunch or dinner. The older I get I realize spending time with the people you love really makes all the difference.
What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?
Over the next year, my number one business goal is to begin working in the International Market again. RCCSC has a rich history of providing Construction and Program Management Services to Worldbank and USAID. I am currently looking for opportunities abroad where our firm can provide assistance for countries with infrastructure needs.
You want to write a book on ______________________…
Second-generation businesses… I believe one of the biggest challenges in second-generation businesses is helping the younger generation take hold while helping the senior generation let go. It is hard trying to fit the shoes of a larger than life founder and so it is imperative for the senior generation to demonstrate their trust in new leadership by letting go.
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you?
Via my website: www.rccsc.net