womens media summitThe Women in Ecommerce ™ is excited to present this four + day webinar/teleconference Event to “Help Women Do Business On and Off the Web.” Here is your chance to attend the Virtual event that is both educational and inspirational. Bringing together experts in newspapers, magazines, television, radio and internet media, the Women’s Media Summit offers business owners and professionals the opportunity to meet the people who can make a difference in their businesses and careers.

This Summit is sure to be an important learning experience for women entrepreneurs and professionals who wish to expand their small business public relations and media marketing strategies and plans.

This four-day virtual event features interviews, workshops and networking will be led by some of the world’s most talented public relations, media and business owners in the world. Our Summit is designed to help you develop your plans and strategies, stimulate your thinking and assist all stages of planning your media and public relations marketing campaigns. During this summit you’ll get to meet, chat, network, and get to pick some of the best brains in the public relations and media marketing today.

15 experts will share their wisdom with you! They are: Shannon Cherry, Raleigh Pinskey, Paul Hartunian, Annie Jennings, Marilyn Jenett, Catherine Franz, Bev Mahone, Lori Prokop, Chrisine Hohlbaum, Sherryl Lin Haldy, Nancy Juetten, Samantha Ettus, Jason Kaufman, Kirsten Osolind and Ponn Sabra!

For more information, visit: http://www.womensmediasummit.com TODAY!

Be sure and sign up for the feeds – every day we will be posting a new Media Marketing Tip to help you get your message to the media.

Tomorrow’s tip is about Building Your Media Database.
Warmest regards,

Heidi Richards, Founder & CEO – Women in Ecommerce™ – www.wecai.org
Join us for the Women’s Media Summit, October 17, 18, 19 & 24th – The Small Business Public Relations & Media Marketing Event – www.womensmediasummit.com