How to Use iTunes Marketing to Promote Your Company By Zeke Camusio

Steve Jobs is a smart guy. He was way ahead of the hi-tech game when he launched the iPod, Apple’s digital music player, in 2001. By 2007, 100 million units were shipped worldwide. Apple then introduced the iTouch and iPhone.

If you think about HOW many people own an iPod, iTouch or iPhone, that’s BILLIONS of people worldwide downloading music and podcasts. These iPod fanatics are also YOUR potential customers and clients. Four BILLION songs have been sold over the past four years!

If you haven’t tapped into this HUGE marketing resource, then you are years behind when it comes to hi-tech marketing tools. You just need to step outside your door, hop on the subway or bus, and WATCH people listening to music on iPods!

How to Submit Podcasts

A podcast is a series of audio or video files that is released and made available for public downloading via web syndication. If you haven’t considered creating podcasts to promote your products or services, it’s time to jump into the podcasting world. Podcasts don’t have to be elaborate productions – you can keep it as simple as audio. Check out the following podcast tips (

When iTunes began supporting podcasting in 2005, one million users had already subscribed two days after its release. That was four years ago-think about how MANY subscribers buy and listen to iTunes now in 2009 – A LOT!

• CREATE your podcast!

• Log into the iTunes Store ( )

• If you don’t have an account, click on the “Sign In” button on top right

• After you create your account and are logged in, scroll down to the bottom of the page and under “Learn More” click on “Submit a Podcast”

• Enter podcast RSS feed into field and click “Continue”

• Select “Category” for podcast. The screen then displays metadata found in your feed.

• Verify that ALL information is filled out correctly – make sure feed is generated properly before submitting

• Submit and wait for approval.

• Once approved by iTunes (it usually takes a few days), they show up under the podcasts directory

• You won’t be charged for podcast submissions – FREE to submit

Benefits of iTunes Podcast Marketing

• Audio and video podcasts capture users’ attention FAST! People learn quickly compared to just reading straight text

• Downloads are easily accessible 24,7 – EVERYONE has an iPod, iTouch or iPhone and can download podcasts off iTunes whenever they want.

• Podcasts are portable – users download podcasts and listen to them while “on the go” (while commuting, at work, etc.)

• Sends powerful messages – podcasts convey emotion and acts like a ” personal conversation” between customers and company.

• Loyalty from subscribers – they like your podcasts, subscribes to MORE podcasts and you become a recognized “expert” in your field!

• Appeals to a HUGE audience across the globe and hits all demographics and niches

• Creates a viral marketing phenomenon – other users will tell other users about your podcasts!

• Notifies subscribers of NEW podcasts – ensures your audience will NEVER miss your new podcast and makes it easy for them to always get updated information!

• FREE – it doesn’t COST money to upload OR download podcasts on iTunes

• Easy to publish podcasts (see above directions) – this saves you both TIME and MONEY!

Zeke Camusio (and more articles by him) can be found at The ~