“It’s like turning off a light switch”

Never Fear Cancer Again, a groundbreaking book on preventing and reversing cancer, has just been published by Health Communications, Inc. The author, Raymond Francis, M.Sc., says that despite the billions of dollars spent on cancer research, the War on Cancer has been a colossal failure, with cancer rates soaring and survival rates showing no real improvement since 1950.

Francis, the author of two other alternative health best sellers, says that conventional medicine has been looking at cancer from the wrong perspective and as a result has been asking the wrong questions.

“Conventional medicine views cancer as a tumor,” Francis says, “and they ask how can it be killed or removed. But cancer isn’t something that can be cut, poisoned or burned out of the body. It is a biological process that needs to be shut down.”

Francis says removing or killing tumors does not address the cause, and therefore the cancer will most often come back because the process is still operating.

“Cure is defined in cancer treatment as ‘alive 5 years after diagnosis.’ Do you consider that a cure? I sure don’t. Cure means the cancer doesn’t return, ever!”

Harvey Diamond, coauthor of the #1 New York Times best seller Fit for Life, writes in the foreword: “While the knowledge to end this epidemic already exists, the problem is that it is not being assembled and packaged into something we can use. In this eye-opening book, that’s what Francis so eloquently succeeds in doing.”

The breakthrough idea in Never Fear Cancer Again is thinking about cancer in a new way—as a process. Once you understand this process, you can see how to turn it off, just like turning off a lamp in your living room.

“Once you learn what to do to turn off the process and keep it turned off, the cancer will not return,” Francis says. “Now that’s what I call a cure!”

We are all at risk. According to the American Cancer Society almost half of all Americans will get cancer during their lifetimes. That’s up from three percent of the population in 1900.

“A lot has changed since then,” says Francis. “Junk food diets, living in a sea of manmade toxins, exposure to a profusion of electromagnetic fields, high-stress lifestyles, lack of exercise and sleep, and health-damaging medical treatments all present the human organism with unprecedented challenges.”

Francis, an M.I.T.-trained scientist, nearly died 26 years ago from medically-induced liver failure at the height of an international consulting career. He brought himself back to health using his knowledge of biochemistry and the principles he explains in his first book, Never Be Sick Again. Since then, he has been disseminating the message that health is a choice, and he has taught thousands how to choose it.

Russell Blaylock, M.D., a retired neurosurgeon and author of Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients, says, “Never Fear Cancer Again can only be described as a masterpiece.”

Ronald Greene, M.D., a pediatrician who met Francis after being sent home to die with stage 4 kidney cancer, followed Raymond’s program, restored his health and has now returned to his practice. “Never Fear Cancer Again could save your life!” says Dr. Greene.