The brand new research from Influence Central reveals the stunning power of personal consumer reviews when it comes to shopping.
Here’s what they found: Social media proves the most powerful tool available to marketers today to convert consumer awareness to purchase, to help leverage the recommendations of friends and family, and to support coupons and promotions.
Among the findings:
86% of women consumers tap members of their social media network for their opinions, advice, and recommendations.
96% say they’re likely to seek out opinions and recommendations from others before they buy a product, or try out a service, restaurant, or store.
86% use social media and websites to access recommendations they use to make purchasing decisions.
88% of women consumers say they are discerning when it comes to the credibility of online reviewers.
When asked which sources consistently give them useful recommendations for making purchasing decisions, consumers cite the following: 1. Close friends and family 2. Other moms 3. Web searches
Click here to find a full summary of our research findings.
About the METHODOLOGY: In late summer 2016, Influence Central surveyed more than 400 U.S. women, via an online, in-depth questionnaire, which looked at major trends in social media recommendations and reviews. We wanted to find out what’s the overall impact of social media when consumers need advice, opinions, and recommendations? Do online recommendations sway purchasing decisions? Where do consumers first turn when they need some advice? And do today’s consumers share their own thoughts, insights, and views with their community? The survey was conducted online, programmed, and analyzed by Influence Central.
For more about how Influencer Marketing powerfully builds on these findings, contact Stacy DeBroff, Founder & CEO of Influence Central, via .