The most frequently asked $1,000,000 question
Over a thirty five year period the one question that crops up over and over again from clients, at workshops and seminars is, “Ron, tell us ‘the one thing’ that will make all the difference in me becoming rich and successful?” It is the million dollar question, one that I have thought long and hard about. I could answer by saying, “Make sure you have massive profit margins, develop cost effective marketing techniques, prune your overheads to a minimum or find a hungry market place.” Of course, all would be good answers. But I sincerely believe that by going into no-mind for a short period every day will help you more than all the other business advice put together. Let’s explore this further…
A very simple model of the brain that really works
A simple model of the brain is that it consists of right and left hemispheres that are joined together by a substantial band of nerve fibres called the corpus callosum. The right brain thinks in pictures and the left brain thinks in words. This may not be scientifically correct, because in the last few years, using billion dollar scanners, scientists are beginning to see exactly which neurons fire when you think in words or pictures. However the simple model still works. You need to make sure that your verbal goals, i.e. affirmations, match the pictures that you are visualising and that you need to take time out in no-mind to allow the two halves of the brain to communicate with each other and assimilate all of the goals, ideas, pictures and affirmations you are inputting.
Success requires a certain degree of discipline and focus
I suggest that you sit in a hard back chair for 15-30 minutes every day in Silence, Stillness and Solitude ($$$) and listen to what your subconscious mind is guiding you to do. Don’t do this for just one or two days and then give up on it, just because your red Lamborghini, million dollars or stunning life partner never materialised within forty-eight hours. It doesn’t work like that! But go into no-mind every single day for the rest of your life until you die and watch your life turn around. Remember the idea is not to think – but to listen. You’ve probably done enough thinking for ten lives, but where did that get you?
Felix Dennis became a half-billionaire by using no-mind
I don’t often recommend other people’s books but ‘How to get Rich’ by Felix Dennis is an exception. He explains that on his first major deal, selling one of his magazines, he had an offer of 700k on the table and his accountant told him to accept it. Dennis then went into no-mind, and cleared all of his extraneous thoughts and the figure of three million popped into his mind and this was ultimately the figure the buyer paid for the magazine. Going into no-mind is something Felix Dennis does frequently – and who can blame him? This sound practice helped him become stinking rich, and he’s now on the way to becoming a billionaire.
Felix Dennis is one of Britain’s wealthiest self-made entrepreneurs with an estimated fortune of £500 million. Appreciating the fact that those intent on becoming rich will not have the time or inclination to read page upon page of guidance and advice on the subject, Felix Dennis reduced his own business wisdom to 88 tenets of wealth-generation, all written in his inimitable style. “If Machiavelli sat down at his iMac to confect ‘The Billionaire Prince’, it might sound remarkably like Felix Dennis’s How to Get Rich”— The Wall Street Journal
This principle has worked for thousands of years
In 1981 I wrote Talk & Grow Rich and in the very first chapter entitled The Principle of Power I talked about Silence, Stillness and Solitude and stopping your internal dialogue so that you may hear Eurekas!, the ‘small still voice’ and how to get hunches and guidance from the subconscious mind. Over two thousand years ago Chuang-Tzu said, ‘To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.’ and the Japanese have a term for no-mind too – they call it ‘Satori’ and to them it is the ultimate state of mind.
Find your own way to stop the infernal dialogue
Maybe sitting cross legged and staring at a candle flame doesn’t do it for you. Never mind. Try other ways of stopping the infernal dialogue that is stopping you hearing the ‘small still voice’. Try jogging, swimming or pumping iron. Still no joy? Then try fast walking in the country, cycling or taking a long shower. Keep at it and discover exactly what works for you. You can go into no-mind on the train or bus or in the coffee lounge, bar or on the park. Tap out for just a few minutes or even a few seconds at a time – it is all beneficial. I routinely practice no-mind and do between five and forty minutes, (depending on what feels right at the time) at five in the morning when I awake, and repeat the same before I go to bed. As they say in the east, ‘By going out of our minds once a day, we come to our senses.’ Remember where you heard it first!
Ron G Holland is the Author of over 20 Business/Mind power books and has been written up as, The Entrepreneur’s Entrepreneur, Top Biz Guru, Leading Motivational Speaker and a ‘Jedi Master” of Wealth creation.