By Heidi DeCoux

I have resisted blogging for quite some time due to the fact that I am a self-proclaimed “Life Simplifier” and keeping up with a blog just didn’t occur to me as “Simple Living”.  Lately I have experienced an abundance of ’simple living inspiration’ and feel a call to share it.  You can check out my new blog at

I have gone through a personal transformation over the past several months, as have many of my clients.  It’s truly amazing the shift that’s happening on this planet right now.  I LOVE it!  More people than ever are finding and living their life purpose.  We are getting back to simple and purposeful living.

Remember the 80’s?  Big hair, big houses, big SUV’s, big over-scheduled lives, and then came the 90’s (and a lot more wealth).  Big consumerism, big shopping malls, big work weeks, even bigger gas tanks, and the mic-mansions.  While living our big complicated lives, many of us lost (or never found) our life’s purpose, became out-of-touch, disconnected from our beautiful planet, from each other, and from spirituality.  Yes, churches and religion got bigger too (mega churches started cropping up everywhere) but in my opinion, spirituality got lost.

Then came the sugar high crash (as I like to call it).  Corporate corruption, stock market and real estate crash, war, health care crises, the realization that we are making our planet sick, and so on.  Many people found themselves lost, distraught, and even depressed.

As a result, we are now starting to get to the good stuff.  Overcoming adversity requires personal growth and millions of people worldwide are choosing to transform themselves and their lives and they are becoming happier than ever!

People are downsizing their homes, simplifying their schedules, eliminating waste and choosing a life that is in alignment with their life purpose.  I have clients that have left or lost big high paying jobs they hated, sold two thirds of their stuff, traded their over-sized home for a smaller one, downsized or eliminated their vehicles, and started businesses they love, providing services of value to people.  Their lives are dramatically simpler – they get plenty of sleep, plenty of exercise, plenty of quality time with family and friends, and LOVE what they do for work.  Do you think they miss their big house and big paycheck?

I LOVE helping people simplify their homes, lives, and schedules, so they can get down to being truly happy and living their life purpose.  I started this blog as a way to offer inspiration to those of you who are ready to transform yourself and your life and experience happy and simple living.

May 2010 be your best year yet!

“To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter… to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring – these are some of the rewards of the simple life.” ~Jim Burroughs

About the Author ~ Heidi DeCoux is the publisher of the Life Made Simple e-Magazine and is a professional organizer, speaker, productivity coach, and a green living enthusiast in Minneapolis.  Heidi energizes her readers’ lives by simplifying their homes and schedules.  For more info, free tips, and to receive her FREE special report, The Fast & Easy Way to Get Organized and Stay Organized Forever, visit  You’ll discover how to find what you want fast, so you can spend more time enjoying life!
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