in 15 Seconds and Make It Work For You By Jacqueline Wales

I bet you that in 15 seconds, I can read your personality and tell you what your skills, strengths and weaknesses are – and how to make it work for you in business.

Reading personalities is an art form, and an extremely potent way of connecting with people in a deep, meaningful way. In business a deep, meaningful connection means lasting profitable relationships. It’s also a powerful way to get to know their greatest strengths and also, their greatest weaknesses. You will be surprised at the difference between the two.

Once you’re able to identify your own personality with an exercise I’m about to reveal, you’ll be able to read your prospects’, customers’ and co-workers’ personality and connect with them in a way you never thought possible.

A Simple Exercise to Help You Identify Your Personality

Based on four shapes – a cube, a pyramid, a wavy line and a ball – I’d like you to think about what shape resonates with you the strongest. What would be your first choice? What’s your second choice?

List the four shapes in the order that appeals to you.

Once you complete this exercise, read on to find out your personality type.

What is Your Personality?

The first shape is the cube – The Systems Person.

You are an analytical person who likes to cross the T’s and dot the I’s. Your greatest strength is your ability to think things through, analyze in detail and avoid fatal mistakes. But your greatest strengths can also be your greatest weakness because you can be held back when you analyze too much. You tend to hesitate in making decisions until you have all the facts and you generally refuse to take risks or act spontaneously without the facts. Making mistakes is not an option, so you limit the opportunities that come your way as a result. You are task driven, and need to be less picky with other people so you can relax and enjoy the view.

The second shape is the pyramid – The Results Person.

You are driven to succeed. Results are important, and reaching your goals is number one. You want to move as quickly as possible and sometimes you push too hard and jump into the action too fast without having all the facts available to you. This can slow you down. You need to learn from the analytical and try to not be so pushy. You are a control freak! While it will help you succeed, it won’t make you the most popular person around. Learn to slow down and inhale the fresh air. Give people more room to come on board and learn how to have more fun just for the sake of it.

The third shape is the wavy line – The Idea Person.

You have an extreme amount of energy, excitement and enthusiasm for life. You are an ideas person who has a million of them. Unfortunately, you don’t always follow-through on these ideas because you don’t focus long enough to figure out what will work. Before you know it, you’re dancing onto the next idea. Keeping up with you is hard, but if you slow down, pay attention to the details, and learn to be more focused on the task at hand, there is no limit to what you can get done.

The fourth shape is the ball – the People Pleaser.

You just want to make people happy and will quickly raise your hand when someone needs help. However, your ability to take care of others doesn’t extend to yourself. You quickly take on more than you can handle which builds resentment. You are stubborn and generate a great deal of pride, which stops you from sharing your feelings in a meaningful way. You would do well by learning how to move out of passive and into action so you can say NO and mean it. Worry less about what other people do and think, and work more on the tasks at hand and you will succeed.

Find out more about how to define your personality type by picking up a copy of my complimentary eBook Finding Success Through Understanding Personalities. Learn how to use your greatest strengths to overcome your greatest weakness so you can achieve all you want in business and in life. By learning how to analyze your own personality, you will learn how to identify the different personalities you associate with everyday. This will help you connect with others and build a deeper, more meaningful and profitable relationship.

About the Author: Jacqueline Wales, author of The Fearless Factor, helps small business owners, entrepreneurs and business professionals bridge the gap between fear and opportunity so they can reach their full potential. Now, with her new, free ebook you’ll be able to overcome your fear – and actually develop deep, meaningful and profitable relationships. Get it now at: