Would you like to know the “secrets” to transform your business from a small business endeavor to a multi-million enterprise?

Do you want to achieve financial freedom and peace of mind?

Some of the largest companies in the world today started as small one-person businesses in their home office, garage or the back room of another business.

Did you know there are common elements that most millionaire business owners share?

The reason for the phenomenal success of many firms hinges on common elements that reveal the secrets of business growth.  These businesses “made it” because they had 3 things in common.  The right product offerings, impressive marketing savvy and solid management skills.

Join us for our first event of the season ~ How to Grow a Million Dollar Business Summit ~ September 18-20, 2008

When you join us for the Grow a Million Dollar Business Summit you have the chance to meet and learn from some of the leading experts on wealth creation and management to get YOUR BUSINESS on the path to building a million-dollar enterprise.

Our Mission is to “Empower You to Achieve and Exceed Your Financial Goals”

Here is the lineup of Star-studded Speakers who want to help you reach (and even exceed) your financial goals:

Tom Antion, President of Great Internet Marketing ~ From Small Town Kid to Internet Multi-Millionaire

Loral Langemeier, The Millionaire Maker ~ Building Leading & Protecting Your Business

Andrea Nierenberg, President The Nierenberg Group ~ Million Dollar Networking: The Sure Way to Find, Grow and Keep Your Busines

Kim Lavine, Inventor and Author of Mommy Millionaire ~ How to Build an Empire from Your Kitchen Table

Margaret May Damen, Founder of Institute for Women and Wealth ~ Be the ECO of your Philanthropic Plan: Give Meaning to your Money

Nicola Cairncross, President – The Money Gym ~ How to GROW a Million Dollar Business with a Wealth Mentor

Annie Jennings of Annie Jennings PR ~ The Mindset, Making & Marketing Of The Million Dollar Expert

Heather Juma of Wealth, Success and Women ~ How to Become a Millionaire Diva: Helping Women Create Riches in all Aspects of Their Lives

Elizabeth Gordon, Author of The Chic Entrepreneur ~ How to Grow a Million Dollar Business, The Chic Entrepreneur Way

Joyce Bone, Founder of Millionaire Moms ~ How Millionaire Moms Achieved Financial Independence ~ and You Can Too!

Melanie Benson Strick, Entrepreneur Success Coach ~ How to Build a 6- and 7 Figure Business Using the Power of Virtual Teams

Chris Ramey President, Affluent Insights ~ How to Market to the Affluent

Diane Keohohou, CEO – Direct Selling Women’s Alliance ~ How to Grow a Million Dollar Direct Sales Organization

Marilyn Jenett of Feel Free to Prosper ~  How I Attract Million Dollar Clients Using Prosperity Principles – and You Can Too!

Sheri McConnell, CEO of Sheri McConnell Companies, Inc. ~ Why Creating a Membership Based-Business Is So Smart – The Millionaire’s Business Model


Read about the Speakers , learn more about the Program Topics and REGISTER for the event.

Read Testimonials of Past Events!

If you want to feel Empowered, Inspired and Enlightened, join us September 18-20, 2008!