A 4-month checkup…

"checklist"Are you still on track with your resolutions? Or did you give up on them even before January  ended? Did you know that of the people who actually do keep track of their New Year’s resolutions, about 80% of them don’t keep their commitments and most don’t even make it through the end of the January before giving up on their goals for the year?

In fact, it’s really easy to make those resolutions and another story to keep them. It requires willpower and determination. So if you are still keeping your resolutions, maybe it’s time for a checkup. And if you abandoned them already, it isn’t too late to reevaluate those goals and see if you can make them work for you. Here is WE Magazine for Women’s twelve-step checklist that could help you get motivated again or find out why you didn’t stay motivated in the first place.

1. Have you made any progress on your resolutions? If so, what did you do?

2. If you didn’t start, what kept you from starting?

3. What kept you from completing your goals?

4. Was the challenge in acommplishing your goal lack of a specific plan?

5. Was it lack of motivation?

6. Was it lack of accountability?

7. Was it lack of resources (time and/or money) necessary to carry out the plan??

8. What worked for you? What didn’t work for you?

9. What actions did you plan to take that you didn’t? And if you didn’t take any action, what stopped you?

10. What distracted you from the goal(s)?

11. What resources can you realistically tap into to achieve your goals in the remaining months?

12. How long will it take to accomplish your goals?

And finally, look at how important that resolution really was/is to you? Once you have answered these questions and determined that the resolution is worth keeping or revisiting ask yourself what you can realistically accomplish in the remaining months including what resources you will need in order to do so.

If you decide that the resolution was not important to you or that you have other goals now, then you are ahead of the game. Most people don’t accomplish their goals and fulfill their resolutions because they are really not motivated enough to do so or they lack the resources to carry them out.

Pat yourself on the back and see how you can help others achieve their goals! Zig Ziglar said “You can get anything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want…