By Dr. Monica Garaycoechea

heartinsandOf all of the creative questions we will — and must — ponder in our lives, this is the core. We must first surrender whatever answers we have to deserving (or not deserving) love. We ALL have old stories. We all have memories and relationships that were not loving enough. It is simply part of life. This is not to teach us that we are unworthy — rather, it is to teach us that LOVE, itself, exists. It is not dependent on another person’s ability to share or offer — or BLOCK it.

So stop today and ask yourself the CREATIVE question, “Why do I deserve love?”  Unlike an affirmation about being deserving, which you may or may not believe, this CREATIVE question will empower your mind to respond. And although you may have some negative responses at first, if you practice the CREATIVE QUESTIONS process and simply let those answers float away, released, you WILL find other answers. Deeper answers. Universal answers.

You see, there IS love out there. It exists all on its own. We do not will it — although we can will it away. We do not create it, but we can UNcreate it in ourselves. What we CAN do is PARTICIPATE in love. So when you ALLOW the creative question, “Do I deserve love?” Be sure that you hang in there for love to FLOOD THROUGH YOU. Because love is huge. It is the ALL. It is the ancient truth that surpasses all else.

So do you DESERVE love? My friend, trust me, you ARE love.

In Love, Monica Garaycoechea, MD

Founder of Coaching The Feminine Way

Program Director of Expand Yourself Now

Creative Questions Co-creator



I have created a space and time for twenty-two Goddesses to RETREAT and to FEEL more of your inner-soul. For you to simply love and dance with the JOY and the consciousness of being a woman… I have made this event affordable to you in every way and chosen a space filled with amazement and powerful, peace-FULL learning. This retreat will have room only for twenty-two women, and I wish t offer this to you NOW – so that you will have a space in your mind to visit as the rest of your “vacation” unfolds. Reserve your space:

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