by Wendy VanHatten
Whether traveling near or far…warm or cold…US or beyond, it’s a good idea to change your packing list at this time of year.
You probably have gifts. Do you know the TSA rules if you’re flying? Don’t pack wrapped gifts as they may be unwrapped by TSA. Instead, take the gifts and the paper or gift bags separately. Less hassle that way. This list may help you get ready for your holiday trip.
Important Identification, Papers, and Essentials
Passport/visa Guidebook Copies of passport
Identification Maps/directions Copies of credit cards
Boarding pass/tickets Medical insurance card Itinerary
Travel insurance card Emergency contact Wallet
Credit Cards ATM Cards Cash
List of Medications
Electronics chargers Voltage Adapter Camera/memory card
Extra Batteries
Underwear Scarves Shoes
Sleepwear Festive Wear Sweaters
Accessories Casual Wear Jeans
Hats Jewelry Gloves
Unwrapped Gifts, if flying Gift Wrap
Stocking Stuffers Gift Bags
Cookies Holiday Food
Personal Items
Contact lenses Glasses First Aid Kit
Toothpaste/Toothbrush Hair Products Soap
Cosmetics Deodorant Facial Products
Hand sanitizer Bandages Tissues
Medications Pain relievers Vitamins