Strong Women QuotesHappy International Woman’s Day to all the Strong Women …

Today I have been contemplating the amazing gifts I have been given. And am grateful. For being a woman. And for having so many women to call my friend.

Because WE Magazine for Women is all about “inspiring women in business and in life,” today I dedicate WE Magazine To all the women in the world, who are an inspiration to me and to others around the globe. Than you for sharing your strength with us!


“I am a woman in process.
I’m just trying like everybody else.

I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it.
Life is never dull.”
Oprah Winfrey

May today not be just another day, but a day of celebration, as you celebrate all the women in your life, remember to celebrate you!

Thank you to each of you who have been there for me as we travel this journey together. Remember that you are never alone as long as you have a woman to call a friend!

Warmest regards,
