Whatever your tradition, greeting cards are a wonderful way to stay in touch with family and friends (and even business associates). Everyone looks forward to receiving them and putting them around their office, or home ~ greeting cards have become a part of most people’s holiday décor.
But the sad fact is they are time consuming to buy, write and send. You go to a greeting card store, you pick out just the perfect cards for the intended recipients, you pickup some stamps at the post office and then you try to carve out some time to write them all, hand address them, put a stamp on them and mail them. If you are like me you could send hundreds of cards during this time of the year. And we are so busy trying to keep one step ahead of our economic challenges by working more, doing more, attending more events and meeting more people. So we find ourselves with little time to do a good job getting those cards ready to send. I used to write them in the car while my husband drove up the coast to visit family. I am not sure we will be able to do that this year. In fact, I was worried that I wouldn’t have the time (or energy) to send the 200+ cards to my family, friends and close business connections. Until now.
You see, I found a system that can help me manage my time, be more efficient and help me for years to come. The system I am referring to is called SendOutCards and it is sweeping the nation (and a few other countries as well). It is the best system I have ever found to do all these things, and more. You can even use it for business to send reminders, develop referral programs, thank you’s and prospecting (but that’s another topic).
Let’s face it, you are busy too! You have good intentions to send greeting cards to your family and friends but you are wondering if you will have time to do the job right.
A greeting card in the mailbox not only brightens our day, but can instantly connect us emotionally to friends and family. That special bright-colored or hand-written envelope stands out among our piles of bills and magazines and serves as a reminder that someone has taken the time from their day to reach out to us and show us they care. Whether because of an annual holiday or an unexpected gesture, greeting cards keep people connected, benefiting both the sender and receiver. Greeting Card Association
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a system to keep track of who and when to send greeting cards to? And it could be done automatically for you every year if you want. All you had to do was enter the information one time and Viola! It’s done.
With SendOutCards you never have to go to the post office for stamps again, no more looking through racks upon racks of greeting cards, no more licking envelopes and putting stamps on them. With SendOutCards you simply enter the information into the system, choose the card (from more than 13,000) choose whom to send the card to and they do the rest. These cards can even be personalized and can also include your signature and if you really want to get fancy include a picture (or several) of your choosing. I plan to upload a picture of me and my family sitting on Santa’s lap and to send this year.
And the best news? The cards cost less than $1 plus postage (there is a small up-charge for adding pictures). Postcards are less than 50 cents plus postage. WOW. Handwritten, personalized and automatically sent for you with a real stamp. That’s right ~ not metered mail, a real stamp. It saves you time AND money. And in today’s economy, that’s a big plus.
When I found SendOutCards it was like a dream come true. In addition to the hundreds of greeting cards I send during the months of November and December, I send dozens of greeting cards and postcards every month and this is just so easy. You can even import your current database into the program, so you don’t have to spend hours inputting data. SendOutCards is a fast, cost-efficient and effective way to use high quality greeting cards for your family and friends.
I’d like to invite you to try the system for free, on me. Go to SendOutCards.com/Heidi and the first card is on me! If you’d like more information once you’ve tested the system, drop me a note to heidi @ successandthensome.com. I would be delighted to show you how it works. If you decide to take advantage of SendOutCards personally or professionally, I will send you a special gift (in the mail)….