What is “Green” Living and How Do I Become a Part? by Bea Kunz – Earthwise Editor


earthwiseGreen Living isn’t a new concept,  it’s just that our world has recently become more aware of all the needed benefits of “Living Green.”

Green Living is working to make better, cleaner, safer, and putting back, rather than always taking from, our earth and natural resources.

As individuals and as businesses, we can be “green” motivated by becoming part of the solution rather than being part of the problem. Adopt principles and practices that improve the quality of life for our family , our customers and our community.

When we invest in sustainable, earth friendly practices, the rewards build and multiply just like adding money to our investment portfolio.

By working together for change on a local, national, and global level, we can grow a green economy that will reward people and the planet.

Ask yourself how you can incorporate green into your life, both personal and business.

A “Green” legacy is a legacy worth leaving in your wake.

Bea Kunz, Earthwise Editor, and President of Sage Hill Farms
A Sustainable Farm project

To meet Bea and the rest of our editorial team, visit: http://www.staging.wemagazineforwomen.com/meet-the-editors/

NOTE: Be sure and look for Bea’s New Earthwise Column in the Winter Issue of WE Magazine for Women. And if you would like to submit your favorite resource (website, blog, book, ebook, teleconference, etc) send your suggestions to heidi (at) wecai.org and we will be sure to pass them onto our readers.