You’ve got your car keys, you’ve got your notebooks, you’ve got your backpack, and you’ve got your list of classes. You’re ready to go back to school at the start of the semester, but there’s just one catch…you aren’t a teenager or an early 20-something. In fact, you’ve been a part of the work force for quite a while. So, why are you going back to school?
You aren’t the only one. More and more working adults are enrolling in college courses and degree programs. Why? — They want to earn more money in their current career, they want to start over in a new career, or they just want to get a degree and have never before had the opportunity to do so.
If you are one of the many adults enrolling in college courses, but the last time you stepped foot on a campus was, oh, 10 or more years ago, you might be looking for a little insight and useful information on going back to college.
Photo Credits: francisco_osorio
Choosing a Program of Study
The first thing you should do is choose a program of study. From accounting to zoology, there are many different fields to choose from. In order to find the one that is right for you, take some time to really think about what you are interested in; do some research. You want to study something you find interesting, yet if your goal is to change careers, you want to choose a program that has a good employment outlook. Hit the books or the Internet and check out the different options available to you.
Choosing a Degree
An associate’s, a bachelor’s, a master’s, or a doctorate: Which one is right for you? This will depend on what your goal is for your career. Again, the best advice is to do some research to find out which degree is the best option for your specific goals. If you want to become a professor, for example, you are likely going to want to attain a master’s or a doctorate.
Choosing a School
Photo Credits: bearseye
Chances are that as an adult, you have things tying you down: a job, a house, a family — you know, those adult things. That said, when it comes to choosing the school you are going to attend, it’s more than likely a good idea to choose one that is local. Take a look at the types of schools within close proximity to your home and check out the degrees and fields of study they offer in order to choose the one that works best for you.
Going back to school as an adult isn’t that far-fetched of an idea. In fact, you may be shocked to find that you have more people your age in your classes than of younger generations.
Bridget Galbreath is a writer who specializes in a wide range of topics, including education, business, and online reputation management .