A Feng Shui consultation focuses on harnessing positive energy via colors, elements, symbols, and placement, read the symbolism and energy of your home, and how to change it for the better. The end result will be a more harmonious and supportive place to live in. Feng Shui can powerfully and effectively influence the course of your life for the better.
“When you look at your home, you are looking at an outer expression of your inner self. Everything in your outer life – especially your home environment – mirrors your inner self”. Your home is a living portrait of you and your life. Making changes in your home will help to create positive changes in your life.
Michelle Luongo is a recognized Feng Shui consultant, author, lecturer, and instructor as well as the owner and founder of Balanced Living, Inc., her consulting practice. Contact her to find out how Feng Shui can positively transform your living space to create an environment which is balanced, nurturing, and life-enhancing.
Michelle Luongo, CFSP
Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
East Coast Academy of Feng Shui, Director
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