Okay let’s face it ladies…it’s all about the shoes! Every fashionista knows that shoes make or break an outfit, especially when it comes to all those *gorgeous shoes.

 To help you put your best foot forward, here are litany of clever fixes that’ll help elevate your style and keep you comfy all the while. Try these smart footwear solutions on for size:

Lisa LeCroy Convertible Footwear – Starting at $145
The Lisa LeCroy Fall 2013 collection is a truly new and innovative approach to footwear. LeCroy’s footwear is comprised of completely convertible shoes and boots that can be mixed and matched with the line’s chic, interchangeable uppers that turn one boot into 10! The luxe line is crafted of soft Nappa leather and suede from Italy. Lisa LeCroy, a frequent transatlantic flyer, asserts that “sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ones.” While cleaning out her closet one day, she had an epiphany: a boot collection with interchangeable tops. For someone who admits to checking a suitcase full of shoes every time she goes overseas, her line now enables her to pack 22 boots in a small, rolling carry-on.

Hugrz Boot Wraps  – Starting at $19.95
Hugrz are wraps and accessories that allow you to personalize boots so they match all of your fashion looks—from chic, to edgy to cozy. Available in a wide variety of different colors and styles, Hugrz change up the look of boots you wear everyday. They fit over everything from shearling and sheepskin boots to heels, rain boots, booties, and leather boots. These wraps have the ability to make short boots suddenly look tall. Plus, they are so easy-peasy: just slide them on like a sock and go!  The Hugrz boot wraps include the Santa Fe and Bennington Collections made from a cotton/poly blend or 100% acrylic, and the Aspen collection is made from all-synthetic faux fur.

MediFashions Medical Boots  – Starting at $7
Everyone knows the effects that a positive attitude can have on recovery, and MediFashions make the healing process both fashionable and fun. MediFashions are accessories to make those ugly walking medical boots a fashion-forward look. There are all types of styles, including wear-it, wrap it, strap it, sock it and click it. Every type can look great and match your day or evening look. There are an array of colors and designs, including hounds tooth, leopard, and even some Missoni inspired MediFashions looks that are sure to coordinate with your wardrobe.

Still Standing  – $23.99
Still Standingspray actually PREVENTS “Stiletto Suffering” before it begins. Because of stilettos’ design, they push the top of your foot into your shoe. After awhile, your feet become hot and irritated and your shoes feel tight. And, it only gets worse as time passes. However, Still Standing does not numb your feet but stops this cycle before it starts by keeping your foot cool and comfortable. Spray all around the top, side and bottom of your feet before putting on your stilettos. Let dry, shoe up, and go! Your feet can feel just like they did when you first put on your heels. Touch up as needed with the mini travel spray, giving you 1.5-4 hours of comfort, depending on the shoe and the situation. This proprietary formula spray contains menthol, Eco-Distilled organic Arnica, Ilex and Aloe (natural anti-inflammatory pain relievers). Colorless and greaseless with a vanishing scent, it works on bare skin or through stockings.

Bodyglide for Her and Footglide Anti-Friction Sticks  – $7.99
Bodyglide, known for creating products in the anti-friction category, has products that tailor to any chafing issue are, and the Footglide Foot Formula and Bodyglide for Her are must-have fashion fixes to avoid and stop the pain and redness associated with rubbing and chafing on the body and the feet. All of the Bodyglideproducts are made with plant-derived waxes instead of oils and petroleum jelly that clog the pores and tend to be messy or greasy. Bodyglide protects the skin while allowing the perspiration that cools the body.It works everywhere chafing occurs, including feet, thighs, under arms, chest and the face, which is particularly helpful when exposed to the wind and cold.

Topricin Foot Therapy Cream – Starting at $16.95
Women look fabulous in high heels, but wearing them can lead to real problems, such asPlantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, sprained/swollen ankles, blisters, aching feet, lower back pain and knee strain. Topricin Foot Therapy Cream keeps fashionable feet happy and healthy. It’s ideal for women who want to strut around in heels and not suffer. Odorless and greaseless, it’s formulated from natural biomedicines that actually help to prevent/reduce pain and injury and help the body heal the damage that is causing discomfort. It is also assists with breaking down calluses, preventing “ashy heel,” and treating dry, cracked skin to keep feet soft and supple. This foot therapy cream is perfect post-pedicure! The product is safe for diabetics and pregnant women and has no known side effects and is patented for treating neuropathy.

Women’s Fashion Orthotic – $89.95
Celebrities are fixing their “Fred Flintstone feet,” reportedly in the words of Jenny McCarthy, with DoctorInsole, and now you can too. This women’s fashion orthotic was created by the highly celebrated Dr. Robert Joseph, DPM whose celebrity clients include Rachel Bilson and Scarlett Johansson. These unique shoe insertsare come in shapes and sizes to specifically fit your heels and fashionable boots so that style doesn’t have to be a pain.  While an uncomfortable shoe and an awkward walk can take you from chic to meek, DoctorInsole makes it possible for gals look and feel good while putting their most fashionable foot forward.

Shoe Stax – Set of 6 for $24.95
Sometimes the most challenging thing for us shoe-lovers is not finding what to wear but how we can make it all fit in our closet, especially when it comes to all those gorgeous shoes, boots, flats and heels. Now you won’t have to worry about where to put it all because Shoe Stax can double storage space in your closet since you can use the system to fit two pairs of shoes in the space of one. Shoes remain easily accessible and organized, which means it will be easy to find the shoes to match the outfit without rummaging through shoe boxes or searching for missing mates. Plus, your closet will look neater and highlight all those stylish clothes, accessories, and shoes!


“The Luxe List” Executive Editor Merilee Kern scours the luxury marketplace for exemplary travel experiences, extraordinary events, and notable products and services. Submissions are accepted at www.LuxeListReviews.com . Follow her on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/LuxeListEditor  and Facebook here: www.Facebook.com/TheLuxeList .

  • Some or all of the accommodations(s), experience(s), item(s) and/or service(s) detailed above were provided at no cost to accommodate this review, but all opinions expressed are entirely those of Merilee Kern and have not been influenced in any way.

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