1st Fridayz™ – WEB 2.0 Networking for Women… Theme – “FAME AND FORTUNE”
See how you can get a FREE copy of Kenneth Himmler’s book Live Rich & Stay Wealthy-For Women Only
1st Fridayz™ returns this week – Friday April 4th and we have 3 exciting interviews scheduled! Each session is approx one hour in length and there is a break in between. We are recording these for those who cannot attend all three sessions. You must RSVP to receive the audio link and a copy of Ken’s book (see below). They are:
10 AM Eastern Time: Kenneth Himmler, Author of Live Rich & Stay Wealthy-For Women OnlyKenneth Himmler, Sr. is a Wealth Management Coach that focuses his efforts on working with individuals that value a higher quality of life above anything else. This allows him to work primarily with people that have similar values and goals, which makes for a very mutually satisfying and long-lasting relationship.Prior to establishing his Wealth Management Firm, Ken lived on his own at a very young age in
Along with being the CEO of IAM Wealth Management, Ken was the radio host of a live, syndicated program called, Live Rich & Stay Wealthy for ten years. He has also authored the financial column in four of the newspapers in the
Ken has generously donated 50 copies of his book Live Rich & Stay Wealthy-For Women Only to attendees. That means the first 50 people to RSVP will receive a copy with our compliments.
12 Noon Eastern Time: Cheree Warrick – How to Grow a Six-Figure Business in 12 months or less
Cheree Warrick is recognized her peers and business partners as “The Profit Partner.” By the time she was 26, she had helped buy and sell hundreds of thousands of dollars in real estate. From that experience, Cheree joint-ventured with others to start a construction company and trash hauling company.
Cheree has not only started several companies, she has also helped her clients develop successful businesses. She helped one client earn $4500 within two weeks of hiring her and helped another client obtain three clients within three weeks of promoting his business.
2 PM Eastern Time: Judy Davids , Author of “Rock Star Mommy” and Founder of the MYDOLS Rock Group
Judy Davids was 42 when she picked up a guitar for the first time and decided to start a rock band, or make that, a “mom” rock band. Surprisingly, the one thing in her life that she didn’t consider herself to be an expert at made her famous. The Mydols, her band of four Midwestern housewives/mothers drew the attention of the national media and soon she found herself in the pages of the supermarket tabloid The Sun whilst shopping for Lunchables.
Her new book, “Rock Star Mommy” is a rallying cry for every woman who fondly recalls when she spent more time in mosh pits than “Mommy and Me” classes to adopt a rock ‘n roll attitude toward life. Based on Judy Davids’ experiences as a music fan, a mother, and the leader of one of the first “mommy” rock bands in the country, it tells the story of the Mydols’ path to success and the inspiration it gave Judy—and so many other moms—to embrace creativity and pursue their dreams. In Rock Star Mommy, Judy Davids tells her story — from using Manic Panic to dye her hair pink to donning a pair of go-go boots and hopping onstage to toting sound equipment around in her soccer mom minivan—and proves that making time to do what you love does not make you a bad parent, but a better, more fulfilled, and happier one. 1st Fridayz™ is F.R.E.E. to attend if you are a CHARTER, ELITE or LIFETIME MEMBER of the Women’s eCommerce Association, Int’l .
Attendee instructions will be sent once you RSVP or submit payment.If you are a Basic Member (OR GUEST) and would like to attend, the cost is only $11 and can be paid via PayPal. When you RSVP, you will receive an invoice via email. Once payment has been confirmed, instructions to attend will be sent to you. You will also receive access to the audio files after the program, and in case you are unable to attend, you will the audio files and a copy of Ken’s book (for the 1st 50 people who RSVP) via mail.FYI This event takes place in our Web Conference Room and via one of our teleconference bridge lines.
Be sure to RSVP to Heidi (at) wecai.org with “1st Fridayz™ RSVP” in Subject Line.