Pieces of Me: My Journey from an Abusive Childhood to a Life of Hope and Healing by Rose Marie Abrams

From the day she was born, Rose Marie Abrams was nothing more than a pawn in a sick chess game in which there would be no winner.

The players were none other than Rose Marie’s biological mother, a single parent who had been raised in the foster care system during the 1940s and ’50s, and her foster mother, who took in children not to nurture them but to torture them and turn them into slaves. To one mother, Rose Marie was merely a doll. To the other mother, she was a captive, a scapegoat, the victim of insatiable sadism. No one wanted her for who she was, for who every child is: a gift from the Divine. Amazon $12.95

Love and Laughter: Sexy (Meaningful) Fun for Everyone by Beth Liebling

This book is about sex—but it’s also about joy, intimacy, romance, and how a healthier, more playful attitude about sex can revitalize your relationships and enrich your entire life.

Building on the success of her radio talk show on ESPN 97.5FM in Houston, Beth has written this book to extend the conversation and answer your questions about love and companionship, but also about learning to love your body, experiencing more sensual pleasure, and how to make your marriage last another fifty years. Whether you’ve just started a relationship or you’ve been together for decades, whether you haven’t had sex in months or you just had sex this morning, this book will help make your relationships more affectionate, silly, exciting, sexy and, most of all, fun.  $9.99 Kindle

In the Backyard: Relearning the Art of Aging, Dying and Making Love by Mary Melfi

Attempting to make sense of her life, and change her sad disposition to a happy one, the author of In the Backyard: Relearning the Art of Aging, Dying and Making Love seeks out the help of her in-house therapist/husband, Dr. George Nemeth. The accredited psychologist’s answers to the big questions provide a compassionate and humorous backdrop on to how to seize the day and not give up hope when faced with the nasty realities of poor health and unrealized aspirations.  Amazon $9.95
Building Resilience with Appreciative Inquiry: A Leadership Journey through Hope, Despair, and Forgiveness by Joan McArthur-Blair

Leaders cannot predict the complex challenges they are called on to face. Veteran consultants Joan McArthur-Blair and Jeanie Cockell show that Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an invaluable tool to build resilience.

AI is a widely used change approach that emphasizes identifying what’s working well in a system. Leaders can use AI to increase their ability to weather the storms they’ll inevitably encounter and be resilient. A profound guide, this book features personal accounts from leaders across a variety of settings describing how they’ve practiced appreciative resilience in the ongoing cycle of hope, despair, and forgiveness.  $27.68 Amazon

The Well-Spoken Woman Speaks Out: How to Use Your Voice to Drive Change by Christine K. Jahnke 

The Well-Spoken Woman Speaks Out will guide any woman who wants to state her case in the most compelling way, ensure that she is truly heard and understood, and seeks to impact and inspire others. It takes Jahnke’s direct experience working with women like Michelle Obama and the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and pairs it with the recent surge of women nationwide who are speaking up to drive social and political change. Jahnke, who has spent twenty-five years helping women leaders, provides guidance and best practices so you can: rally support for a cause, make a persuasive pitch, campaign for public office, be a successful advocate, and motivate people to make positive change. She applies her expertise to many facets of communicating publicly, including using your voice in social media; participating in panels, meetings, and discussions; giving presentations; and speaking to the media.  Amazon $12.99