Dish is a reality cooking show produced by Ellen and Ashley. This is their promo for “Dish.” In this YouTube video they tell you how they came up with the idea for this reality cooking show and how you can submit recipes. These ladies from New York will make you laugh and cheer as they show you how they are going to promote “Dish” to the world.
About “Dish:” Ellen and Ashley come to your kitchen and cook your dish with you, in your home. DISH is fun, spontaneous, funny and unscripted. Ellen is a writer who wants to know all about you and your recipe and Ashley is a trained chef who wants to know all about how you prepare your recipe. Ellen and Ashely want you to tell them about yourself and the recipes you want to cook with them on the show.
Who knows maybe their crew will come knocking at your door to cook and dish.
Check out their YOUTUBE CHANNEL at
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