…(Good-byeAffirmations) by Dr. Monica Garaycoechea

You have probably heard that your thoughts are responsible for your experiences. I have spent many years working with affirmations, focusing on changing the way my mind or my thinking is programmed. After the exciting discovery of my personal, True Essence, I understood how important it was to align my mind with my True Nature. For example, it is one thing is to ‘Know’ from experience that I am One with everything; that I am One with Love or Beauty. It is another thing to move my mind to become habituated to think Love or Beauty, Freedom or Oneness. 

To wake up from a consciousness of powerlessness, failure and scarcity can be a one-second process or realization, but to overcome the identification our minds have with scarcity and separation is a huge awakening process! 

I felt very empowered the day I discovered Affirmations and thought I could change anything! After many years of writing them in journals, posting them on the bathroom mirror, carrying them in my pocket, etc. – I can honestly tell you that I gave up. I was left with a deep feeling of frustration and disappointment that I was not disciplined enough or intelligent enough to do what other people were so successful at doing. What was wrong with me?

As you know there are no accidents in life. In 2001, my beloved life partner came to me shared a deep realization that questions would stimulate creativity in a way affirmations can’t. 

By then, I was very tired of the ‘mind thing’. I wanted to focus more on getting RID of the mind. I wanted to simply wake up spiritually. I discovered that questions are the expression of our curiosity and that Curiosity is a quality of our True Nature which is always evolving and always creative. I discovered that QUESTIONS would open us in a way that ANSWERS never would.

The difference is ‘linear thinking’ vs. ‘feminine thinking’. Linear thinking is based on statements and affirmations or declarations. It affirms that which already is, period! There is no embodiment in an affirmation. We all know that we need to believe in and ATTEMPT to feel our affirmations in order to create what we are supposedly affirming. It can be frustrating because to believe something (when your mind is addicted to believing in the opposite) is not an easy transformation.

After having encountered the aliveness and innate create-ivity of Creative Questions, I can say that linear thinking is like dead thinking vs. QUESTIONS, which activate your mind’s Creative Power! You tickle Consciousness and open the door to your unlimited potential and unlimited responses! With Creative Questions you will experience and understand how your left (linear thinking) and right (intuition-feeling-connection) sides of your brain are working together.

PS: You can purchase Dr. Monica’s Creative Question Cards at http://bit.ly/QuestionCards

Dr. Monica Garaycoechea is the teacher and coach of the “Feminine Way” She supports women to “Discover their True-Self, Liberate their Shadow-Self and Enjoy their Creative-Self” while respecting their Feminine Essence and
trusting their Masculine qualities, so they can naturally radiate their inner Beauty, Light and Love to their world. She inspires and empowers women to open their hearts and have a true happy, passionate, fulfilling life and
relationship with themselves. She can be reached at http://www.ExpandYourselfNow.com
http://www.CreativeQuestions.com or (USA) 1 – 772 233 6971