That’s the theme for the Winter Issue of WE Magazine for Women (over 40).
And these are three things women are REALLY GOOD at!
Communication: We women love to share what we know with others. We want to make the world a better place, make it easier for one another to do things. Think about it. Women have been sharing since the beginning of time. First sharing husbands (when everyone had multiple wives), sharing the raising of families, sharing recipes and so much more. And we love to TALK! In fact, studies have shown that on average women speak about three times more than men. In the book The Female Mind, the author Dr Luan Brizendine says women devote more brain cells to talking than men. It goes on to say women also speak more quickly, devote more brainpower to chit-chat – and actually get a buzz out of hearing their own voices. That explains why I read my editorial aloud before actually publishing it J.
Collaboration: We women love to collaborate with others. We love the idea of us joining forces and making the sum of our talents work together to make new and wonderful things we could not make alone. Especially online. Think about some of the communities you are a part of. I am part of the Women’s eCommerce Association and our members are always finding ways to work together to host events, co-author books, work on projects and more. We enthusiastically give referrals to benefit our own circles, we like to barter things we have for things we want and need, we mentor one another, share resources and we will even partner with men if it helps us each achieve our goals. When we women collaborate, the sky’s the limit!
Celebration: We women love to celebrate. We celebrate just about anything. Holidays, weddings, divorce, birthdays, births, anniversaries, starting a business, selling a business, going to work, Mondays, Fridays, the weekends, our family and friends, citizenship, our countries, elections, each other, the perfect dress (or shoes) garage sales, getting organized, when our plants live, our first sale, our first client, loosing weight, a good hair day, and more. We celebrate with chocolate, tea parties, martinis, new shoes, jewelry, a massage, a trip … you name it! If it means something to us, we celebrate it.
This issue is filled with talented women who know how to communicate, collaborate and celebrate.
To grab your copy go to
As a new year begins, we honor and thank our editorial team, our new contributing authors, our Women on a Mission, our advertisers and most importantly our readers! Thank you for being one of us.
Wishing each of you a wonderful, peaceful and prosperous New Year!
Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief