Getting Your Book Featured by WE Magazine for Women
Any new books submitted will not be featured until after August 2024, as we are 6 to 8 months out from featuring new books/authors. If you have a book that you would like featured sooner, check out our Priority Publishing Option at the end of this page.
“Heidi and team, I wanted to drop you a line and say Thank You so much for your support of my work and for the support and encouragement you offer to all women.” Sincerely yours, Marion Witte, Author Wise Women Collection: The No-regrets Bucket List and Wise Women Collection: Courage of the Soul.
We are delighted that you would consider having one of our editors feature your book, and would be happy if we could keep up with our backlog. WE receive hundreds of queries each month and several dozen submissions, which is why we are not currently accepting any new titles or author interviews until at August 2024.
If you decide to send us a copy of your book, here are some things to keep in mind…
We Write Recommendations, Not Reviews
Because it is challenging enough for new authors to get noticed, WE only make recommendations on this site, and WE never write negative reviews. Having said that, WE may elect not to review your book, if WE feel that it isn’t a match for our editorial standards. Because there just isn’t enough time to read all of the wonderful books we receive, it is possible that we may just not be able to get to your book.
“…thanks for your love and appreciation for books and taking the time to help your fellow writers get the word out.” Rachel Pappas, Author of Hopping Roller Coasters
Having said that, If we do not review the book, WE will list your book in our monthly Books WE Received this Month section (after June 2024). The information WE list on this page includes the title/subtitle of your book, the author name and a link to more information or how to purchase the book. If the book is in pre-publication, we will link to the author’s or publisher’s website.
“Thank you so much, Heidi! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this, and I’m so honored to be a part of your wonderful magazine. I’ll definitely be sharing this over the weekend and next week too! Have a great weekend, and thanks again!” Sarah Beth Martin, Author – In the Vanishing Hour
If you feel our audience is the right one for your book, send your book to:
Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher
WE Magazine for Women
P.O. Box 550856
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33355-0856
Please include a cover sheet with a paragraph about the book and an email return address so we can acknowledge we have received the book. Some of our authors include a self-addressed postcard. Please also include the same information and send to
This is a great way to get a quicker response from our editorial team. Also be sure to include where/how to purchase and an email address so we can let you know when the book will be either listed or reviewed. Note: we are backlogged from three to six months on book reviews.
Dear Heidi, “I would like to express sincere thanks for taking the time to review Robert Fischer’s novel Plane Jane. Your review has been selected to use in marketing the book and/or a portion of your review has been published in the finished copy of Plane Jane. In appreciation of your time and support, Martin Pearl Publishing would like to send you a signed finished copy. Thank you again for your time and support. It is greatly appreciated!” Sincerely, Angelina McKinsey – President, Martin Pearl Publishing
There is no deadline for submission, however we prefer to review books within a year of their release date. We are open to reviewing older books if they are timely, evergreen and you can convince us the book is worth reviewing.
How long does it take to have a book featured on WE Magazine for Women?
Currently we are not publishing any new featured books until after February 2024, except for those who submit with Priority publishing (see below).
Also, if your book is not appropriate, we will let you know so you do not have to wait and see if it is going to be featured. While we welcome you writing to see how long it will take to feature, it will not make the process any quicker. However, a gentle nudge around the 5 month mark is suggested as we may be backlogged with submissions.
PRIORITY PUBLISHING: We do offer to feature books within two weeks of receipt – to guarantee a book is featured sooner than the estimated six month time-frame, consider our expedited PRIORITY PUBLISHING FEATURE, which guarantees having your book featured within 14 days for only $27.
If that is of interest, click on tfive to he payment button below:
If you opt for priority publishing, your book will be featured within 2 weeks of receipt of payment, book, and author interview or excerpt.
Additional Information
Books can be autographed (not personalized) and/or marked “review copy” as we donate them to various women’s groups after they have appeared on our site or in our magazine.
Books received will not be returned.
To expedite your book getting featured WE recommend author submit the following:
Author Interviews & Excerpts
We currently offer two options for featuring books – an AUTHOR INTERVIEW and a BOOK EXCERPT.
What we need for a book excerpt to be published:
Book Title and Author Name
500 to 1100 word excerpt (more or less)
Book cover in jpeg or png or link to book cover
Author image
Author bio (between 100 and 200 words)
Link to purchase book and/or author website (if different)
What we need for an author interview to be published
Book Title and Author Name
Interview Questions (see below)
Book cover in jpeg or png or link to book cover
Author image or link to author image
Author bio (between 100 and 250 word)
Book Synopsis for the beginning of the interview (up to 250 words)
Link to purchase book and/or author website (if different)
Author interview questions – please choose at least 6 questions below – (the 5 with * are required) and feel free to supplement with relevant questions of your own:
*A one paragraph excerpt or testimonial about the book
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
*Why did you want to write this book?
What was the most difficult part about writing the book? The most rewarding?
*What do you hope other people will take away from reading your book?
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
How long did it take to write your book?
What was the biggest challenge in writing your book?
Who are your favorite authors (and why)?
What is your favorite book in the same genre as your work?
What does literary success look like to you?
What’s the best writing advice you ever received?
What do you know now that you wish you’d known at the beginning of your writing journey?
What do you do when you are not writing?
What’s next for you?
*How can our readers get a copy of your book?
*What is the best way for our readers to connect with you? (website url, social media links – we do not publish emails)
Note: please include the question and answer in your submission. Submissions without interview questions will be discarded.
Here is an example of a book excerpt: Me, The Crazy Woman and Breast Cancer ~
Here’s an example of an author interview: Approaching Neverland ~ and
Be sure to send a copy of your book via mail. Book excerpts and interviews will not be posted until we actually receive a hard copy of the book.
All excerpts and interviews must be sent via email in a word document or in the body of an email. No PDF or other “protected document” as we do not use this format to post to WE Magazine for Women. No exceptions.
Submit excerpt/interview to with Book Title and Author Interview or Book Excerpt IN THE SUBJECT LINE
When you submit a book to be featured, you are giving us permission to use the book graphic and review in our digital magazine AND/OR on our website.
Once your book has been featured, we will send you a link to the feature article along with imaging you can use on your website and in your own media.
At this time we are NOT reviewing eBooks.