By Lisa Hein
Do you believe you can achieve your dreams? Do you feel worthy that you can live out your destiny and passion? Do you take the time to recognize that the person you are right now may not be the person you were put here to be?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then it may be time to explore what it is that you have to offer and what it is you were meant to do.
Many of believe that we have to have a lot of money, or know someone that might be able to help us achieve our goals, but that’s not it at all. Yes, that would help, but, that shouldn’t deter you from reaching your own dreams.
There have been a lot of people talking about the ‘See it, Believe it, Achieve it, philosophy, and yes, I do believe having a positive attitude works. When we set out with an idea, it takes a lot of belief to start the process. We have to figure out what direction we want to proceed in, do our research, without getting discouraged by others not seeing our vision, and then training ourselves to be thick skinned with a vision of our goal in mind and a determination that we won’t quit – no matter what!
No one can stop you from reaching your goals. Only you can. At times we are our worst friend. There have been times when I questioned myself by thinking, ‘Who do you think you are reaching out to those, ‘who have made it.’ Well, I don’t know who I think I am, but I do know that if you don’t ask, you’ll never get the answer. All anyone can do is say they are not interested in what it is you are doing. Not a big deal…. Next!
If you look around, there are more women stepping out of their box and achieving goals they never thought they’d get to. We get so caught up in what we are ‘suppose’ to do that we forget about what it is we ‘want’ to do. This is our time. It is time to set boundaries for ourselves, with our husband, children, extended family, and friends. It’s time to spend a minimum of 5 hours a week working on what it is we love to do.
If you believe in it, you will achieve it, if, and only if, you believe in what you are doing. We are all put on earth with a gift. What is your gift? What is the legacy you want to leave your children?
Get excited and proceed because if you believe in your dreams, they will come!
Lisa Hein is a motivational speaker, author of THE BOOK “I’m Doing The Best I Can!” (They won’t always be cute and adorable) and radio talk show host of ‘Everyday Parenting, which can be heard on
For more information about Lisa or to book her at your next event, please visit her website at .