By Deepika Baja
Before getting into a discussion of “being unreasonable in business”, I am going to share what it means to be REASONABLE. Throughout childhood the word reasonable comes in frequently from requests, demands and actions. In the world, there is big push to compromise and tolerate. Even though, there is an understanding of what is important to co-exist with others, the dilemma is why the need to be Reason-ABLE.
So, what does it mean to be REASONABLE?
“Reason-ABLE is not taking responsibility of who you could become – with a perfectly good justification”. For all the possibilities in this world, there should be one perfectly valid reason of why we can’t be that person – it makes us Reason-ABLE.
As you can see, if we are REASONABLE then chances are that we are not taking responsibility to live to our maximum potential.
Now, lets talk about being UNREASONABLE in business….
Business professionals are always faced with challenging situations and sometimes it is easy to give up. So, in
business being UNREASONABLE with yourself is important…it is important to demand more out of yourself, not to give up, believe in yourself and to be fearless.
One of the 11 UNREASONABLE rules of success is Unreasonable Rule # 2: Be Fearless.
I believe when you make up your mind to do something, there is not a lot of analysis you can do about the outcomes – mostly it will be speculation. Most leaders show no fear. Helen Keller was deaf and blind and went on to become an author, lecturer and activist. In her words, “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature…. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
So, in business it is important to set your goals high. Understand what you know and what you do not know. Get educated about things that you do not know. It is important to know – “Who am I?”, “Where am I drawn?”, “Where is the current towing me?”
Get a grip of what is your baseline and how you are going to achieve it. Brainstorm and vocalize what you want to do. You need to have the courage to talk out loud about what you want to do and that is also how you attract others to support you in your journey.
Deepika Bajaj is the founder and president of Invincibelle, a company empowering diverse, multi generational workforce and women to thrive in a multicultural world. Prior to starting her company, Deepika has more than eight years of experience in telecommunications consulting nand corporate marketing. Bajaj is also co-founder of ActiveGarage, a company that is recently launched which is a premier site to increase your Twitter tribe and discover people who share similar concerns.
Her latest ebook “PINK and Grow RICH” (which you can purchase now ) speaks of 11 UNREASONABLE RULES for success for women leaders who live and work in a multicultural world. She is the winner of 2010 IWE Entrepreneurship Achievement Award. You can follow her on .