Seamlessly blending romance, drama and suspense against the picturesque backdrop of the Rocky Mountains, author Andrea Thome is releasing her third novel, “House of Belonging” on June 5, 2018, completing her award-winning Hesse Creek Series.
Here’s an interview with Andrea:
What will fans of “Walland” and “Seeds of Intention” like about “House of Belonging?”
I’m hopeful that fans who’ve read the first two books will enjoy revisiting some of their favorite characters, while learning a little bit more about Logan and Laina, who they’ll get to know in this third book. I’m excited about how the series as a whole comes together in this story.
What do you want new readers to know about your books?
I write my books for my friends. Which means I write them mostly for readers who are looking for an escape and want to spend the precious free time available to them with compelling characters in beautiful places. And it’s no secret at this point that I love a happy ending. I’m hoping to balance out some of the negativity in the world with something that makes people feel good.
Why did you decide to set your newest book in Aspen, Colorado?
I consider all three of the books in the Hesse Creek Series to be destination love stories. The locations are as much characters in the book as the people are. I hope I was able to express my love for the beautiful, cultured, and still wild town that is Aspen. It remains one of my favorite places in the world.
One of the main characters in “House of Belonging,” Laina Ming, is a chef. Are you a foodie?
I’m not really a huge foodie, but I fancy myself someone who appreciates art, and in this case, food as art. My husband and I had the pleasure of experiencing Aspen’s Food and Wine event last summer, and I was blown away and obviously inspired by what the chefs created. It was fun to write about the food that Laina creates, and a blast to write my first “restaurant review.”
You’re the photographer behind all of your book covers. Where was the image of “House of Belonging” taken?
The image on the front cover of “House of Belonging” was actually taken in Tennessee a long time ago. It’s a nod to the genesis of the series having been set there. I thought it bookended the series nicely, and the symbolism of the single empty swing juxtaposed perfectly with my characters finally finding their sense of belonging as a whole.
“House of Belonging” is the third and final book in the Hesse Creek Series. Is this an emotional finale for you?
Yes and no. I’ve loved living in the world of Walland for these three books, but I’m excited to have the freedom to create something new. That said, the Hesse Creek Series will always hold a very special place in my heart, no matter how many books I go on to write.
Which character will you miss writing about the most?
I could never pick just one; I’ve loved them all so much!
What’s next for you?
I’m working on a brand new series, set in the Pacific Northwest. It centers around three brothers, and they are pretty interesting guys, so far. I can’t wait to see where this first story leads me!
ANDREA THOME is a former broadcast journalist, having covered both sports and news during her career. In her novels, she explores some of her favorite travel destinations, from the foothills of the Smoky Mountains to the Colorado Rockies, painting rich backdrops that become characters themselves. Thome lives in Chicago with her husband (a retired Hall of Fame baseball player and their two children. She spends her spare time traveling and pursuing her other passion—photography. See a sampling of her photography and learn more about her books at “House of Belonging” follows “Seeds of Intention” and “Walland” in the award-winning Hesse Creek Series.
To get your copy of House of Belonging by Andread Thome, visit Amazon Today!