Read our latest author interview on WE Magazine for Women, Lareida Buckley, Stories From the Sheriff’s Daughter  – Worth reading…



My book is a fictional retelling of my own coming of age story. When I was nine, my family  moved into the living quarters of the county jail when my father was elected sheriff. We lived  for the next 15 years across the carport from the jail, and the book’s narrator tells stories of her  experiences with the lawmen, prisoners and politics of smalltown Texas in the 50’s and 60’s,  and how they affected her life. 

It’s my hope that people will enjoy the stories, some funny and some tragic. Though based in  general on real happenings, the stories are fiction. That allowed me to be creative and to enjoy  the recreation of my coming of age story without the constraints of a memoir. And the fiction  was so much fun to write. I could add humor via a sarcastic grandmother, and include tragedy  that was beyond the understanding of the narrator at the time. My father and mother, the  sheriffs and these stories, were dedicated law enforcement officers, and wonderful parents, all  at the same time. I hope that the stories in some way honor them. 

I was always a writer, it was just that no one knew it. Journals, writer’s groups, writing classes,  even letters. Once I even had business cards made with the simple title, “Writer”, though in my  real life I had a country mail route along the ocean in Hawaii. 

I was fascinated by writer’s lives and their stories of success on the bestseller lists, and even  their failures…rejection letters and such. The beautiful Stones for Ibarra, a first novel when  Helen Doerr was 74 years old gave me hope as I grew older. After retirement, I took the chance  and submitted my manuscript about growing up in the county jail to a university press . It was  accepted! The stories, written over many years, with so many revisions and false starts is now a  book I can hold in my hands. I am now a published author. At 76 years old, my debut novel  was published by TCU Press, April 21, 2023. I am a Writer! Business cards on the way.