In the book The Wealthy Freelancer: 12 Secrets to a Great Income and an Enviable Lifestyle you will learn how to build a high income in virtually any freelance occupation. More importantly, the book enables freelancers to create a flexible, balanced, and fulfilling lifestyle.
Here’s what you will find inside the covers of The Wealthy Freelancer:
Why the typical one-size-fits-all marketing advice rarely works, and a fool-proof system for determining the optimal mix of marketing activities for your specific circumstances and goals
How to get more prospects to say “Yes!” to the fees that you propose
Why striving to be the “best” in your field almost never works, and what to do instead
How to charge more — and earn more — by creating new income streams closely related to your core business
How to have more time for the life you want and still have a great income
Filled with practical strategies, success stories, insider tips, and advice from the pros, The Wealthy Freelancer has the immediate credibility of having been written by three successful freelance professionals who are, collectively, very well known to their target audience through their books, seminars, columns, podcasts, newsletters, and speaking engagements.
The Editors of WE Magazine for Women found this book Worth Reading and you will too! When you go to you can get 3 chapters FREE PLUS The Freelancer’s income Expander Kit ($126 value). Go ahead do it today!