If you are looking to revitalize your appearance, a facelift is a great place to start. A facelift is an extremely effective plastic surgery procedure that can visibly reduce signs of aging on your face and neck. Many people are interested in the benefits of a facelift, but they are unsure if they qualify for surgery. Learn more about what makes a good facelift candidate, as well as answers to some frequently asked questions.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

If you find that you are a match for most of these attributes, then it may be time to schedule a consultation for a facelift.

Do You Have Visible Signs of Aging on Your Face and Neck?

Most candidates for a facelift visit their plastic surgeon because they have visible signs of aging that are detracting from their natural beauty. A facelift can address these issues, helping you to rejuvenate your appearance to leave you looking more youthful and attractive. Some of the most common visible signs of aging include:

  • Jowls and loose, hanging skin
  • Wrinkles and fine lines on the face and neck
  • Volume loss in the face that leads to a “sunken” appearance
  • Excess fat around the face and neck

Are You in Good Overall Health?

While a facelift is by no means an intense surgical procedure, it still is a surgical procedure that requires the patient to be in good health. Combine that with the fact that the procedure is an elective cosmetic surgery, and it is clear that anyone who is not in excellent health should avoid undergoing a facelift until they have recovered and are in better overall health. 

Are You a Non-Smoker?

A good candidate for a facelift should not be a smoker. Smoking negatively impacts the function of your heart and lungs , putting you at a greater risk of having breathing problems during and after surgery. Smoking also slows down the flow of your blood, which can lead to a slower healing process and recovery from surgery.

Do You Have Healthy Skin?

The success of a facelift depends on how healthy the potential patient’s skin is. Your skin needs to have some semblance of elasticity and flexibility, allowing your plastic surgeon to stretch your skin tight over your face to reduce signs of aging. If you are somebody who smokes or has damaged skin from overexposure to the sun, then your facelift may not be as successful as somebody who has healthy skin.

Do You Have Realistic Expectations for the Outcome of Your Facelift?

Having realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure is a crucial aspect of any successful plastic surgery. While a facelift can revitalize your appearance by reducing visible signs of aging, it is not some magical cure that can put you in a time machine and pop you out as your 20-year-old self. A facelift can only do so much, and it can in no way alter your bone structure and facial symmetry.

Going into a facelift procedure, you need to talk with your plastic surgeon and consult before and after pictures so you have a good idea of what you will look like following the procedure. Without realistic expectations, all facelift patients are bound to be disappointed with their results.

Are You Able to Take the Time Needed to Recover from Your Facelift?

After undergoing facelift surgery, you will need some time to recover. Patients should plan to rest for the first day or two of the recovery process, meaning that they likely need to find somebody who can care for them during that time. If you do not have somebody who can assist you during the recovery process, you may want to wait until a friend, family member, or coworker is available.

You will also have to take between 10 and 14 days off from work in order to fully recover. If you do not have that kind of paid time off or sick leave, or if your job does not allow you to take that much time off, you should likely hold off on the procedure or opt for a nonsurgical facial rejuvenation procedure. Similarly, if you are in the midst of a particularly busy part of the year at your job, you should probably wait until things have calmed down before you schedule your facelift.

Facelift Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a good candidate for a facelift, you probably have some questions regarding the procedure. Below, we provide some brief answers to a few frequently asked questions.

How Much Does a Facelift Cost?

The cost of a facelift varies, but typically you can expect to pay somewhere between $7,000 to $14,000 for a facelift. However, each facelift is different based on the needs of the individual, so your cost may be outside of that range.

How Long Until I Can Exercise After a Facelift?

Patients can expect to resume rigorous physical activity and exercise four to six weeks after the procedure.

Will There Be a Visible Scar?

A facelift requires an incision, but a skilled plastic surgeon will hide the scar in an area that is typically not visible to the average individual. Surgeons will typically hide the incision (and the resulting scar) along your hairline or behind the ears.

Are There Any Risks?

Any surgical procedure comes with some risk, but a facelift is generally considered a safe and low-risk surgery. During a surgical consultation, you should make sure to discuss any potential risks with your plastic surgeon.

How Long Will It Take to See Results?

Most patients can expect to see visible results three to four weeks after the procedure. At this point, all swelling and bruising should go down, and your face should begin to “settle”. However, final results may not be visible for up to six months after surgery, so it is essential to remain patient during the recovery process.


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