… and Grow Your Business By AnnaLaura Brown

As women we possess unique abilities yet, many times we do not fully embrace them or we do not even realize that we have them. However, it is our unique abilities that we have as women that can help us to grow your businesses and in many cases they can cause us to succeed even greater and at a faster pace than men. That said, how do you discover and embrace these unique qualities?

1. Learn what they are. While you probably have some ideas about the

differences between men and women, many times they may not be obvious.

Some of the main ones that are helpful to women in business include:

a stronger sense of nurturing, the ability to network and make connections, (yes men are not as good at this even though they may seem like they know what they are doing), the ability to connect at a deeper emotional level with people, increased sympathy for people, and the ability to bond together as women.

2. Determine which of these qualities are your strengths. While women

in general tend to have them in greater quantities than men, you probably have a few of these as personal strengths for you personally.

3. Identify your personal gifts and talents. These can be things that

men are good at too but you want to still be aware of them. Ask people who know you well to also help you figure out what these are.

4. Pick one or two of your unique talents and gifts to work on at a

time. If you have a gift or talent but you do not use it then you might as well not have it at all. You also cannot expect to be able to successfully focus on improving and using multiple talents without going crazy.

5. Make a list of all the ways that you can use these abilities to

make more money and to grow your business. Do not leave anything off of your original list. Even if you think that a particular gift is not useful for your particular business model or you cannot see how you could use it to make money or to improve your business right now, there may be opportunities in the future, so you should still include it on your list.

6. Choose 1-2 of the items on your list to focus on in order to create

a more profitable business over the next 90 days. It is always helpful to work on any idea or project in 90 day cycles before deciding whether or not to continue working with that particular idea.

7. Consider how you can help other women. Reaching out and helping

other women to succeed in business is a great way to not only help them but you will be amazed at how it will also help you to succeed.

AnnaLaura Brown is a networker, social media coach and president of a local women in business networking group that she helped start. Learn more about her and how she can help you and grab your copy of her free social media mastery kit at http://www.annalaurabrown.com