It’s that time of year…everyone is mulling over New Year’s resolutions. With most resolutions failing by February, YumEart h wanted to share some tips to accomplish your resolution.
Prepare – Plan a path to success by building time into your schedule each day to work towards your resolution. Explore why you have been unable to commit to it in the past.
- Motivation – To keep your motivation strong all year long use simple hacks like setting your favorite song to be your morning alarm or stocking your phone with motivational images, quotes, and memes.
- Goals – Set smaller but finite goals that seem less daunting but will help motivate you.
- Rewards – Plan a few nice rewards to give yourself when you’ve stuck to your resolution for a week, a month, or 3 months.
- Track Progress – The best motivation for sticking to your resolution is to see yourself making progress. If losing weight is your resolution, weigh yourself and enjoy the rush you get closer to achieving your big goals.
- Cheat Better – Even the most self-disciplined person will eventually come across cravings or lack of motivation. Prepare for these times so you can “cheat responsibly.” If eating better is one of your resolutions, stock up on better treats like YumEarth organic candy, to help get you through any sugar cravings without derailing your entire diet.
YumEarth Organic Candy is mostly:
– USDA Organic
– Non-GMO
– Gluten free
– No nuts, no soy, no eggs, no dairy
– Vegan
– Free from high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, colors, and dyes
– Naturally colored and flavored
– Conveniently packaged in portioned snack packs.