Burnout is a strong indication that you’ve been overdoing it for a while already. It can relate to physical activity, mental activity, general stress, and a variety of other elements. Work is often a cause, but so can an overly problematic home life be one too.
In case you think that you might be in a state of burnout but you’re not 100% sure, here are 5 signs to look out for.
- Erratic Sleep Pattern
When you’re not going to sleep at the same time every night, then your body’s circadian rhythms aren’t set up right. Going to sleep at a similar time allows your internal body clock to know how much sleep is needed and when to wake you up. Then, as long as you’re not overly tired, it’ll wake you even before an alarm clock does.
Another reason for poor sleep and feeling lethargic is a bad bed. Have enough restless nights and you’ll be exhausted and may mistake it for burnout. Mattresses are of higher quality and more affordable than in the years past. Check out the best Black Friday mattress sales to get a bargain.
- Inability to Concentrate
If you’re usually someone who doesn’t have trouble concentrating but now your mind keeps wandering too easily, then that’s problematic. Being unable to focus as intently means you will have extreme difficulty doing deep work . This is the kind that requires serious concentration without frequent interruptions to get it completed.
Pick smaller tasks or break larger tasks down to a fraction of the size. Then focus only on the smaller broken up task while blocking out the rest. Don’t worry about the whole task. You’ll find that this will be beneficial to work around a difficulty in concentrating until you’re well-rested.
- The Quality of Your Work Has Dropped
Another sign of possible burnout is when the high quality of your work has dropped significantly. It’s not always easy to tell if that’s the case. However, a manager or colleague might have spotted some signs of it already. Ask them whether your output is not as good as a few months ago and see how they respond.
When this is the case, it’s best to schedule a staycation or time away to get a complete mental break from work. This lets you recharge and allows you to return feeling refreshed. Even similar or the same tasks will feel like new again after that.
- Feeling Continually Exhausted
The feeling of being exhausted can come from a long, busy day. However, with a good night’s rest, you won’t feel wiped out the next morning.
If you still feel that you have no energy, it can relate to emotional, mental, or physical energy. Often they’re connected enough that it will feel like all three.
Being exhausted over days or a couple of weeks is a strong indicator that you’re burnt out. Assuming there isn’t a medical reason and that you’re getting enough rest, a recovery period of limited activity is needed to get past it.
- Negative or Pessimistic Viewpoint
If you’re having trouble feeling positive about life, your work, relationships, or other aspects of your life, that comes through in your thoughts and behaviors.
When you’re pessimistic and speak negatively about new ideas, it will be evident to colleagues. When there doesn’t seem to be a balance – almost everything has a pallor over it – then it could be that mustering the energy is currently beyond you. If you’re unable to be positive or get excited about anything, it might be due to mental exhaustion.
Burning out is a common thing in the workplace. Our lives are so busy these days that it’s necessary to take better care of ourselves to purposely avoid it. Should it become an issue, taking time off is crucial to get a worthwhile period of recovery.
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