10 AM Eastern Time – How to Market Your Inventions with Joan Lefkowitz of Accessory Brainstorms NYC ~ ACCESSORY BRAINSTORMS, Inc, is a licensing agency, sales representation and consultancy for Fashion/Beauty Accessory and Lifestyle Inventions. From its showroom in New York’s ‘accessories district, it licenses inventors’ products to major corporations and markets to Mail Order Catalogues, TV Shopping programs and retail.
Some very successful products we have launched have been TOPSY TAIL (which sold over $100m at retail), HAIRDINI, HOLLYWOOD FASHION TAPES, and MISS OOPS and, most recently, BOSOM BUTTON, LUMBARWEAR, WHIRL-A-STYLE, WINKEE, R.E.M. SPRING (hair removal tool) and TAG TAMERS…Specializing in representing unique products and inventions since 1984, she is always interested in seeing new products in these categories. ACCESSORIES Magazine awarded her for the “Most Inventive Products” and also cited her as one of the 100 most important accessories industry “Movers and Shakers”. www.accessorybrainstorms.com.
To attend this complimentary event, send a message to heidi@InventingWomen.com with “RSVP Inventions” in subject line.
11 M Eastern Time ~ Heidi will be interviewing Ed Peters of the 4 Profit Institute about How to Get up to 100% More Attendees to Your Meetings and Events. Ed is known in the meetings industry for doubling, even tripling attendance at conferences, workshops and events. He is the founder of the 4Profit Institute and a seasoned marketing professional. In this session Ed will share his Pre-Meeting Marketing for Post-Meeting Profit and Praise.
Gone are the good old days where you can just advertise your meeting and expect the world to beat a path to your door. Meeting planners and sponsors already know the number of meetings are down and the number of people who attend each meeting is way down. And not likely to get any better soon… The key to making meetings well-attended, memorable and profitable is marketing.
Ed’s session is by invitation only. Cost is $27.00 and includes access to the audio file after the event.
To sign up for this session, visit: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=819988