By Heidi Richards Mooney

Each issue of WE Magazine for Women we include Tips and Tools to help women get more our of their online experience. This is the latest list of web resources from our Summer issue:

1. Did you know… with eHow you can write articles for eHow, you can search eHow for how-to’s? It’s a social network and article site for writers. Check it out today at

2. 103bees is a great tool for identifying such terms and honing in particularly on ‘questions’ that people are asking when they arrive on your site.

3. Have you heard of yet? Monitor discussion boards with an account at   using your search terms.

4. Now there’s a cost-effective means of seeing how usable your pages are: Userfly is a simple way to test your site’s usability for free – with one line of code. Visit:

5. BackType is a service that lets you find, follow and share comments from across the web. Whenever you fill out the “Website” or “URL” field in a comment form when you publish a comment on a blog or other website, BackType attributes it to you. We give comment authors a profile featuring all the comments they’ve written on the Internet. It’s at:

6. At you can protect your original creations and get the free report “How to Protect Your Creation in 3 Minutes”    Get A FREE Copy Of Our No-Frills Report Revealing How You Can Instantly Copyright Your Original Creations… Even if You Have No Cash, No Experience, And You’ve Never Protected Anything In Your Life!

7. Check out Social Mention at to see what others are talking about and saying about you.

8. is another social media monitoring service. Subscribe to your terms at using their RSS reader.

9. If you designed your website in FrontPage you know that in 2006 it was discontinued. One great solution is WordPress. You can also check out many FrontPage design alternatives suggested here:

10. Paydotcom ~ Excellent way to easily set up your affiliate program to sell your products and services through their online marketplace and promote to your clients. Just go here:

11. NoteTab allow multiple files to be opened simultaneously in the tabbed interface that also includes a fully configurable toolbar with over 90 commands. Search and replace functions allow processing of all open documents or specified disk folders, and text copied from other applications to the Windows Clipboard can be automatically pasted in a chosen NoteTab document.

12. Check out WebPlus 6 With its easy to use Desktop Publishing style interface and powerful automated WebSite Templates, anyone can create their ow.n on the web in minutes – no experience required! When you download this free software, simply design your web pages and let WebPlus 6 do the hard work for you! Its here:

13. is a quick and easy way to create and share PowerPoint presentations with colleagues around the world. And it’s FREE! Just sign up and you’re ready to create your presentation. Use the site just like PowerPoint-add text or an image, format the back-ground, or insert a link to a website.

Next post we will be showing you a web resource where you can create a website with absolutely NO HTML or other programming experience ~ and you can do it for FREE! STay Tuned! (And NO, it’s not a wordpress or other blog platform)!