Welcome to 1000 GREAT Giveaways – The List-Building Catalog of Free Offers!


The Mission of 1000 GREAT Giveaways is to Market 1000 FREE Offers on the WEB and share them with readers of WE Magazine for Women.

We do that by surfing the web for great products and services that individuals, companies and organizations us to promote their own products and services. These products have a high real or perceived value (minimum $15) to the giver and to receiver.

Get your free resources by clicking on the subjects below:


Coaching & Mentoring





Special Reports & Whitepapers



As we expand the catalog, we will add other categories to the list. When you go to the individual pages listed above, they are listed by subject matter.

Do you have a resource to share? We are constantly on the lookout for valuable giveways contributed by our readers to be listed on the site – the purpose is to direct our readers to your site to sign up for the freebie, thereby growing your list as well as our visitors. These items include information products, a downloadable audio or video, online consulting, ecourses, and more.

A team of editors from WE Magazine for Women reviews each giveaway prior to including them in our “catalog.” If we feel the item does not fit our needs or those of our readers it will not be included. PERIOD. All decisions are final.

We will not include items that are deemed inappropriate to our mission as well as those that are not owned by the giver. By owned, we mean submissions must be received by copyright owner or it’s representatives in order to be included in this catalog. If you should have a question about what may be appropriate, email heidi (at) wecai.org for further clarification.

We are looking for content-rich information products (not articles or 2 page reports), coaching and consulting time, audio or video products that would help women and men enhance their lives in some way, ecourses, etc.

(Note: apart from your free resources, if you would like to submit an article, WE Magazine for Women is interested. Send articles to heidi (at) wemagazineforwomen.com with “WE  Article Submission” in the subject line. Be sure to read our submission guidelines before sending anything).

(Note: apart from your free resources, if you would like to submit an article, Women in Ecommerce™ is interested. Send articles to heidi (at) wecai.org with “WECAI Article Submission” in the subject line).

In addition, feel free to download the logo above and add it to your site or blog to help each other promote this list. If you do upload to any of your sites, please let WE Magazine know about it. When you do you will receive a Highlighted listing with your company logo!

You can get the 1000 Great Giveaways Logo by clicking here (or right clicking the logo above and saving to your computer)

Offering FREE Resources is a great way to grow your own list of prospects and clients. Just how can you grow your list?

By supplying the title and a link to your product for others to contact you about or download. The best way to grow your list is to capture the name and email of the person interested in your product or service. To see a sample page, visit: http://speakingwithspirit.com/quirky-marketing-2010-chapter-1-2/ .

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If you are interested in submitting a product or service to include in this list, please send an email to Heidi (at) wemagazineforwomen.com with “1000 Giveaways” in the subject line, the product title, description and direct link to download (if appropriate). If your item has an expiration date, please also include that. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Heidi Richards, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Unlimited<br>  Autoresponders by AWeber

*WE Magazine for Women wants you to know we only share other people’s products and services we whole-heartedly believe in and when offered we become an affiliate for those products and services. If you choose to take action on any offers that are made, we may receive a commission and/or other non-financial compensation. Thank you for allowing *WE Magaizne to share these resources with you.